Latest book reviews of 1 March 2007
BOOKS REVIEWS BY JOHN ELBURG.Wilhelminalaan 33John Elburg
The Netherlands.
Chess Books
Secret notes by David Bronstein & Sergey Voronkov
Edition Olms
232 pages
Price € 32,70
ISBN 978-3-283-00464-4
David Bronstein was born in 1924 in the Kiev region in the Ukraine and became very famous after his 12-12 world championship match with the great Botvinnink.
The story is that Botvinnink had a difficult time in this WK match because Bronstein played the openings which Botvinnink played himself, so the world champion was placed in a difficult psychological position but he just managed to hold the world title, but there where serious rumours that Bronstein was not allowed to win this match.
This latest book from Olms on Bronstein is a very special book because it is one with the private notes from David Bronstein filled with a collection astounding games.
For a long time David Bronstein was not allowed to travel from the Russian authorities because he did not sign that ‘sordid document’ against his friend Korchnoi.
But first some words from the author on his friend Viktor Korchnoi:I am pleased that Korchnoi regards me as his teacher.It is a pity only that he did not inform Russian readers of how in 1974 I risked my career,by helping him at the finish of his first match with Karpov.And how four years before he sent me a letter suggestion that we do some creative work together, adding: I think that if we were to find some common free time to meet, to exchange opinions, it would be very useful {definitely for me!}’How I than travelled to Leningrad ,and he and I played a training match.He also did not mention that on his last day in his homeland in July 1976 he had dinner at my house.
Bronstein includes in this book al the games of the secret match that he played with Korchnoi.
Again Bronstein; It remains for me to say that hitherto these games have never been published.Initially this was at the request of Korchnoi,who did not want to disclose his opening repertoire,and after his defection for many years they become not topical.
Interesting is the describing with Walter Browne;In Reykjavik for the first time I met Walter Browne,USA champion on several occasions. I knew little about him. Except that he was an inveterate time-trouble addict and out of his love for blitz he even began publishing a magazine devoted to five minute games.On the eve of our game Walter incautiously presented me with a recent copy of his magazine.There I saw a novelty of his,and I decided to check how good it was.Walter is a wonderful partner. It is a pity that life did not bring us together more often at the chess board. I would have happily played a blitz match with him.
Interesting are the notes to this game specially after the moves 1.e4 c5 2.Nf3 d6 3.d4 cxd4 4.Nxd4 Nf6 5.Nc3 a6 6.Bg5 e6 7.f4 This move occurs rarely in my games.I prefer 7.Qf3,since 1f 7.f4 there is the good replay 7…Qb6! Threatening …Qxb2 as occurred back in the game Joppen – Bronstein, Belgrade 1954.Late too I played 7…Qb6 several times, so that if I wished I could have disputed Fischer’s copyright on this move.
Bronstein did not have it financial easy; At the seven years that I played in Hastings,the organisers gave me an appearance fee of GBB 400,which was roughly correspondence to the cost of the Moscow – London return air fare and my hotel and meal expenses.
However, that’s not so: the last time they did not pay me anything at all, justifying this by the fact that I had entered the tournament late.
Going throw these 29 impressive played games I a astounded by the great playing strength of Bronstein in his seventies.
Bronstein wrote of the best chess books in the world Zurich International chess tournament 1953 but this book certainly belongs closely to it!
Unfortunately David Bronstein passed away on 5 December 2006 at the age of 82 but we shall always remember him as the great master of creativity.
The idea for this book comes from Sergey Voronkov who is the son of the famous Boris Grigorievich Voronkov.
Included is a introduction from Garry Kasparov and a fantastic collection photographs from David Bronstein and his contemporaries.
Conclusion: One of those must have chess books!
Opening for white according to Anand 1.e4 by Alexander Khalifman
Part 8
Chess Stars
Offered for review by http://www.niggemann.com/
319 pages
Price €23,00
ISBN 954-8782-53-7
GM Alexander Khalifman handles in this latest Opening for white volume all kind of Sicilan defences as for example the Nimzowitsch- Rubenstein variation 1.e4 c5 2.Nf3 Nf6 which is some way related to the Alekhine defence,but there is also the seldom played O’Kelly variation where Khalifman prefers the very safety set-up move with 3.c3.
Yes this is a repertoire book and Khalifman is not interested in any fire work that could exist after moves as 3.d4 but of course there is nothing wrong with a quite move as 3.c3,but on the other hand you are forced in this book to follow the choice of the author.
But so far I am aware of the great Anand never played 3.c3 and I went throw all the Megadata base games from Anand and see the great master from India prefers a more agressive line as the one from Khalifman.
Please see Anand,Viswanathan (2781) - Morozevich,Alexander (2758)
Calvia ol (Men) Mallorca (9), 24.10.2004 1.e4 c5 2.Nf3 a6 3.c4 e6 4.Nc3 Qc7 5.d4 cxd4 6.Nxd4 Nf6 7.a3 b6 8.Be3 Bb7 9.f3 Nc6 10.Be2 Ne5 11.Na4 Rb8 12.Rc1 Be7 13.b4 d6 14.0-0 0-0 15.Qd2 Ba8 16.Nb3 Kh8 17.Rfd1 Rg8 18.Bd4 Ned7 19.Qe3 Qc6 20.Nb2 e5 21.Bc3 g5 22.h3 h5 23.Nd3 g4 24.hxg4 hxg4 25.c5 gxf3 26.Bxf3 bxc5 27.Na5 Qb5 28.a4 Qxa4 29.bxc5 Ng4 30.Qe2 Ndf6 31.Ra1 Qb5 32.Rd2 Rbc8 33.Rb2 Qd7 34.Nc4 Qe6 35.Nb6 dxc5 36.Nxc8 Rxc8 37.Nf4 Qd7 38.Rd2 Qa7 39.Rxa6 Qb7 40.Bxg4 Nxg4 41.Qxg4 Qxa6 42.Bxe5+ f6 43.Ng6+ Kh7 44.Nxe7 fxe5 45.Nxc8 1-0
A major part of this book goes for the Paulsen Kan variation 1.e4 c5 2.Nf3 e6 3.d4 cxd4 4.Nxd4 a6 5.Bd3 this all is good for around 119 pages and that is included with lines where black goes for the so called ‘hedgehog’ digging.
Most head lines in the ‘hedgehog’ go deep usually to a move of twenty and Khalifman makes in these theory lines excellent use of latest played games often even latest correspondence games!
Fun are the rare lines with moves as for example 2…Qa5,2…Qb6,2…Qc7 2..b6 and even 2..d5 where black can try to go for a gambit with 3..exd5 Nf6 but I would not even suggest this move in blitz chess!
I found in this book moves that are covered in no other openings book as for example 1.e4 c5 2.Nf3 e6 3.d4 cxd4 4.Nxd4 h6 or even 4…Qh4 and what about the crazy move 4..e5?!
It looks a little similar to the Kalashnikov variation,funny enough after 5.Nb5 d6 6.c4 a6 and black seems to have a reasonable game,but my Fritz10 prefers the aggressive bishop move 6.Bg5!? but is this computer move the solution for black’s cramped position?
This all and more can be found in this excellent written work from Khalifman but he is a very serous writer and prefers to cover so much as possible informstion.
Not include is a bibliography to keep abreast of latest developments but every chapter in this book is well covered with a lot of useful conclusions.
Conclusion: A very reliable repertoire book!
The Ruy Lopez: A guide for black by Sverre Johnsen & Leif Johannessen
Gambit Publications Ltd
E-mail info@gambitbooks.com
111 pages
Price $28,95
ISBN 978-1-904600-67-1
The two Norwegians chess cracks GM Leif Johannessen and the openings theoretician Sverre Johnsen concentrate in this latest Gambit repertoire book on the black side of the Zaitsev variation of the Ruy Lopez.
A opening that leads to sharp and complicated positions which are very difficult to handle but the two authors have find a very instructive way to explain your way throw the labyrinths of this complicated line.
But first of al to the Zaitsev main line where both authors go for the exciting move order:{1.e4 e5 2.Nf3 Nc6 3.Bb5 a6 4.Ba4 Nf6 5.0-0 Be7 6.Re1 b5 7.Bb3 d6 8.c3 0-0 9.h3 Bb7 10.d4 Re8 11.Nbd2 Bf8 12.a4 h6 13.Bc2 exd4 14.cxd4 Nb4 15.Bb1 c5 16.d5 Nd7} 17.Ra3 f5!? When Karpov played this move no one really understood how perilous it was.{Watson in Mastering the chess openings volume one }Interesting to mention is that on 18.Nh2 Nf6 19.Rf3 Re5! 20.Rxf5 This clearly is the most popular continuation. Still the exchange of rooks appears like a minor triumph for black, who is striving for the endgame.The main alternative 20.b3 looks logical, but it is rather slow and black manages to liquidate white’s centre while the threats to his king are not yet lethal.The variation is complicated, however, and quite characteristic of the whole line. Johannessen & Johnsen.
On 20.…Txf5 21.exf5 Bxd5 22.Ng4 the two Norwegians chess cracks recommended de smashing 22…Nxg4! We recommended this move as we think it is the most practical choice in this well known position.
This all is good for around 22 pages of heavy loaded but very readable text but all kind of other alternatives as rare 12th and 13th moves are also intensive covered in this heavy loaded repertoire book. So some memorizing is certainly on it’s place.
Both authors give in this book a complete repertoire for black and even cover for example lines as the exchange variation with the move order 1.e4 e5 2.Nf3 Nc6 3.Bb5 a6 4.Bxc6 dxc6 5.0-0 f6 but are also not afraid to give second alternatives for example 5..Ne7!?
This is an attempt to take play back into black’s backyard. If white doesn’t want black to equalize easily {i.e.allowing..Ng6 which comfortably protects e5}he will have to capture the pawn, after which play tends to become extremely sharp. Black will often remain a pawn down for quite a while, but his compensation is considerable and fairly long term. Johannessen & Johnsen.
Included throw this book are 35 heavy loaded illustrative model games plus an excellent bibliography and index of variations but unfortunately no game index.
Conclusion: A very important reference book on the Zaitsev variation !
Play the Ruy Lopez by Andrew Greet
Everyman Chess
374 pages
Price $23,95
The former British Junior champion and IM Andrew Greet provides the reader in this 376 page heavy weight book a complete and comprehensive repertoire line for the white side of the Ruy Lopez, where the Young author has a great love for the Queens move to e2.
For example he is a great lover of the Worral system which is a invention of the bright Thomas Worall who lived some where between 1807 and 1878.Interesting enough his name is not mentioned the impressive book Chess Personalia from Jeremy Gaige,McFarland published in 1987 and 2005.
As the young author explains in his excellent written introduction; The issue of move order is an extremely important one. As I mentioned above, I am basing the proposed repertoire around the Worall System with 5.Qe2 rather than 5.0-0 Be7 6.Qe2.
As I have already explained, one of the major points about playing 5.Qe2 is the surprise value.
Indeed it was Nigel Short who outplayed Karpov with the Worall System of the World Championship candidates semi – finale, Linares 1992.
Even that Short did employ an alternative move order the surprise factor was not less but Karpov could have been aware of the love From Short for this strange looking queen move.
The book is split-up in to thee parts where the last chapter is completely divided in to all lines with the Worrall Queen move to e2,
where you shall find lines from closed to open and all kind of possible anti Ruy Lopez lines.
The possibilities with this move are unbelievable it is even possible to play it against the Marshall attack where author believes in a slight edge for the white side of the board.
Interesting to mention that the great Paul Keres had this position once against Euwe of the 1948 The Hague/Moscow 1948 World championship where Euwe was very pleased to get away with a draw.
The draw offer came from Euwe as I saw in his tournament book from 1948,Wereld Kampioenschap Schaken,De Tijdstroom Lochem,
later in his famous openings books he described the move with Qe2 as the English attack but Pachman already described it, in his openings book from the 1960s as the Worral attack.
But Greet’s improvement with 15.a4!? Teschner – Unzichter,Bad Pyrmont 1950 makes a lot of sense (1.e4 e5 2.Nf3 Nc6 3.Bb5 a6 4.Ba4 Nf6 5.0-0 Be7 6.Qe2 b5 7.Bb3 0-0 8.c3 d5 9.d3 d4 10.cxd4 Nxd4 11.Nxd4 Qxd4 12.Be3 Qd6 13.Nc3 Be6 14.Bxe6 fxe6 15.a4 c6 16.Rfd1 Rfd8 17.h3 h6 18.Qc2 Nd7 19.d4 exd4 20.Rxd4 Qc7 21.Qb3 Nf8 22.Ne2 Bf6 23.Rxd8 Rxd8 24.axb5 axb5 25.f4 Qd7 26.e5 Be7 27.Rc1 c5 28.Bxc5 Bxc5+ 29.Rxc5 Qd2 30.Kf2 Rd3 31.Rc3 Rd4 32.Rc2 Rxf4+ 33.Kg3 Qb4 34.Qxb4 Rxb4 35.Nf4 Nd7 ½-½}
But interesting enough Max Euwe already gave 15.a4 as improvement in his famous series of openings books.
Seen the large amount of instructive text I would like to recommended this book for all kind of club players and higher.
Useful are also moves that are nearly covered in other books as for example the Norwegian variation that runs with the moves 1.e4 e5 2.Nf3 Nc6 3.Bb5 a6 4.Ba4 b5 5.Bb3 Na5.
This all is explained with a small 14 pages of text so the reader can easy make up a idea how detailed Andrew Greet has worked throw this impressive written move to move openings book.
Conclusion: A very honest and objective repertoire book!
Chess results 1936-1940 by Gino Di Felic
McFarland & Company,Inc.,Publishers Box 611
Jefferson,North Carolina 28640.
392 pages
Price $39,95
ISBN 0-7864-2746-5
This result was even better as Montevideo 1938-Hotel Carrasco tournament,where Alekhine went through the tournament unbeaten but he gave four d
One of the strongest tournaments in this book is probably Nottingham 1936 which included the world champion Euwe ,the past world champion Alekhine Capablanca and Dr Lasker and the future world champion Botvinnink,but also AVRO’s world chess tournament of 1938 is certainly worth mentioning.
Sometimes it is very interesting to concentrate on major and Ist class events as for example in the Major Open”B”was won by a player called Losif I Cukierman before the famous lady chess crack Mrs Menchik Vera Francevna.
Unfortunately her famous world championship games with the famous Sonja Graf are not covered in this book because for a strange reason Gino Di Felic only covers men’s chess competitions.
But there are also forgotten cross tables as for example from the later correspondence chess player Perfors who played in the championship of Arnhem 1938 who is later even remembered with a game in the famous Chess Informator.
Pleasant to mention is the use of first names in this book and important tournament references name of the location etc.
All together we have an impressive work of research where many chess lovers can spend hours of time digging in it but
to write it must have been years of ful research!
Conclusion: A very impressive work!
Chess CD's
Kaissiber Issue 26
Januar -März 2007
Deutschland 6.10 Euro
Offered for review by http://www.niggemann.com/
Kaissiber issue 26 comes with the following items:
Kaissiber always starts with letters from readers where I found between the contributions a forgotten consultation game between Nimzowitch,Czaya and Dr.von Schweininchen against {white}Grünfeld,Dr.Grüneberg and Wittenberg;
1.d4 f5 2.g3 Nc6 3.d5 Ne5 4.b3 g6 5.Bb2 Bg7 6.Qc1 Bf6 7.Bg2 c6 8.Nc3 e6 9.dxc6 bxc6 10.Nh3 d5 11.0-0 Nd7 12.Nf4 Qe7 13.Na4 e5 14.Ba3 Qf7 15.Nh3 Ne7 16.f3 h6 17.e4 g5 18.exf5 Nxf5 19.Re1 Be7 20.Bxe7 Nxe7 21.Nf2 0-0 22.Nd3 Ng6 23.Nac5 Nxc5 24.Nxc5 Bf5 25.Qd2 Qf6 26.Rac1 h5 27.Rf1 Rad8 28.Qe3 h4 29.Ne4 Bxe4 30.fxe4 Qe7 31.Rxf8+ Nxf8 32.exd5 cxd5 33.Rd1 d4 34.Qe4 hxg3 35.hxg3 Qc5 36.Kh2 Rd7 37.Bf1 Rh7+ 38.Kg2 Rc7 39.Bc4+ Kg7 40.Rf1 Nh7 41.Rf5 Re7 42.Qa8 Qc7 43.Qe4 Qd6 44.Bd3 Qg6 45.Rxe5 Qxe4+ 46.Rxe4 Rxe4 47.Bxe4 Nf6 48.Kf3 Kf7 49.Bf5 Ke7 50.Ke2 Kd6 unfinished and played in Breslau on 4 August 1925.
The computer expert Chrilly Donninger looks back at the old computer ideas from Jan Hein Donner and that is a real must for every chess lover!
The great Bent Larsen concentrates on some chess publications on his pet line the Bird Opening and I can say that he is very glad with the publication of Taylor’s work on the Bird,but it a pity that nobody ever gave him the book from Jacobs & Tait on the Nimzo-Larsen attack!
Gerard Welling looks at the bright move 2.Qe2 in the French that was once favoured by the phenomenal Tschigorin who played once the fantastic move order 1.e4 e6 2.Qe2 Be7 3.Qg4! and that was more than 100 years ago!
But the ideas from the German chess player Niephaus in this magazine are certainly worth studying.
Other contributions are “Freies Italienisch” {Free Italian},Queens Gambit with the Meraner variation,Wing gambit from Maurits and Michiel Wind who dig in the exciting move order
1.e4 c5 2.b4 cxb4 3.a3 d5! 4.exd5 Qxd5 5.Nf3 e5 6.axb4 Bxb4 7.c3!
Peter Anderberg concentrates on the famous conflict game Nimzowitsch – Tarrasch from Nürnberg 1904,plus the simultaneous chess game played between Nimzowitsch and Wilpert,played at Dorpat 19 November 1911.
Alfred Diel looks at back at the chess master and publicist Rudolf Teschner and Superb is the contribution from Alexander Koblenz on the mysterious Tal {19 pages!}etc.
Conclusion: One of the most interesting written chess magazines!