Latest book
reviews of 1 June 2013
Wilhelminalaan 33
The Netherlands.
Chess Books
The Scandinavian:
Move by Move
by Cyrus Lakdawala
400 pages
Price € 22,75
ISBN 978-1-78194-009-9
Cyrus Lakdawala covers in his latest Everyman openings book a
impressive 400 page coverage of the Scandinavian with 3…Qd6!?
The Bulgarian GM Donchev and ex- World Championship challenger, David
Bronstein deserve a lot of credit for the popularisation
of 3… Qd6 but, they never could
have dreamed of a 400 page heavy weight on this irregular!
In the second edition of John Emms The Scandinavian there is only a 12
page coverage of it.
So is the move 3…Qd6 going to become the most popular choice?
After the game Shirov,A (2749) - Tiviakov,S (2637) [B01]
Unive Crown Group Hoogeveen NED (2), 26.10.2010
1.e4 d5 2.exd5 Qxd5 3.Nc3 Qd6 4.d4 Nf6 5.Nf3 c6 6.Ne5 Nbd7 7.f4 Nb6
8.g4 Nbd5 9.Bg2 g6 10.g5 Nxc3 11.bxc3 Nd5
12.c4 Nc7 13.c5 Qd8 14.d5 cxd5 15.c4 e6 16.Bb2 Bg7 17.Nc6 bxc6 18.Bxg7
Rg8 19.Be5 Bd7 20.0-0 Rb8 21.Qa4 Rb7
22.Rab1 Qc8 23.Rxb7 Qxb7 24.Rf2 d4 25.Qa5 Kd8 26.Be4 1-0 it had a
slightly blow but Titviakov played a year later the
move 11…Nd7 and won pleasantly with it Wan,Yunguo (2469) -
Tiviakov,Sergei (2623) [B01]
Moscow op-E Moscow (5), 02.02.2011
1.e4 d5 2.exd5 Qxd5 3.Nc3 Qd6 4.d4 Nf6 5.Nf3 c6 6.Ne5 Nbd7 7.f4 Nb6
8.g4 Nbd5 9.Bg2 g6 10.g5 Nxc3 11.bxc3 Nd7
12.0-0 h6 13.Qe2 hxg5 14.fxg5 Nxe5 15.Bf4 Bg7 16.Rae1 Bf5 17.Qf2 Qa3
18.Bxe5 Bxe5 19.Rxe5 Qxc3 20.Rc5 Qb2
21.Rxc6 0-0 22.Rc5 Rac8 23.c4 Qxf2+ 24.Rxf2 Rxc5 25.dxc5 Rc8
26.Rb2 Rxc5 27.Rxb7 a6 28.Rxe7 Be6 29.Bd5 Bxd5
30.Re5 Rxc4 31.Rxd5 Rc1+ 32.Kg2 Rc2+ 33.Kg3 Rxa2 34.Rd8+ Kg7 35.Ra8
Ra3+ 36.Kg4 a5 37.h4 Ra1 38.Kg3 a4
39.Kg2 f5 40.gxf6+ Kxf6 41.Ra5 a3 42.Kh2 Ke6 43.Kg2 Ra2+ 44.Kg3 Ra1
45.Kg2 Kd6 46.Ra6+ Kc5 47.Rxg6 Rc1
48.Ra6 Kb4 49.h5 Rc2+ 50.Kg3 a2 51.h6 Rc3+ 52.Kg2 Ra3 0-1.
Interesting are here the words from Titviakov in the ChesBase Magazine:
This position already stood on my computer during
the preparation for the game against Shirov. Not having enough time to
deeply check the subsequent positions I made a normal-looking
move 11...Nd5 which is losing. It takes a lot of time for the computer
engine to find the winning 14.d5. Bad preparation at home which
cost me a point without any play! :-( Strangely enough that loss to
Shirov was awarded the best game prize at the Hoogeveen tournament -
blunder rewarded!
This is a very useful game to understand that the knowledge of the
simple endings is essential in modern-age chess. Not knowing how to
play endings can cost you lot of points even in the simpliest positions!
After this game I was able to win my remaining 4 games and finally end
the tournament with a good result 7.5 out of 9 and a tie for
the 2nd-9th place.
Lakdawala prefers for black the lines with 1.e4 d5 2.exd5 Qxd5 3.Nc3
Qd6 4.d4 Nf6 5.Nf3 c6 and 1.e4 d5 2.exd5 Qxd5
3.Nc3 Qd6 4.d4 Nf6 5.Nf3 g6,which is shaper but a little more riskier.
A interesting alternative for refusing the Scandinavian is 1.e4 e5
2.Nc3 as we can see in the following
game: Ekebjaerg,Ove C (2635) - Van Oosterom,Joop J (2714) [A00]
ICCF 50th Jubilee Elite corr ICCF email, 15.01.2002
1.Nc3 d5 2.e4 d4 3.Nce2 e5 4.Ng3 Be6 5.Nf3 f6 6.Be2 Nh6 7.0-0 c5 8.Bb5+
Nd7 9.Qe2 g6
10.Bc4 Qe7 11.Bxe6 Qxe6 12.d3 Nf7 13.c4 Be7 14.Re1 h5 15.Nh4 Rg8 16.h3
0-0-0 17.a3 Rdf8
18.b4 Bd8 19.Kh1 Qc6 20.b5 Qb6 21.a4 f5 22.a5 Qf6 23.Nxg6 Qxg6 24.exf5
Qh7 25.a6 Nd6
26.Qf3 Kb8 27.Qd5 Bc7 28.h4 Qf7 29.Qf3 Rxg3 30.fxg3 Qxf5 31.Qxf5 Nxf5
32.g4 hxg4 33.Bg5 e4
34.dxe4 Nxh4 35.axb7 Ng6 36.Ra6 Nge5 0-1,the move 2.Nc3 is a speciality
frm Ekebjaerg who played
this move for over 40 years,as we can see in the foloowing
correspondence game,that I found in the latest correspondence database
Ekebjaerg,Ove C - Boey,Jozef Martin [A00]
EU-ch05 corr ICCF corr, 1967
1.Nc3 d5 2.e4 d4 3.Nce2 e5 4.Ng3 Be6 5.Nf3 f6 6.Be2 g6 7.0-0 h5 8.Nh4
Bf7 9.d3 Bd6 10.c3 Nc6 11.Qa4 a6 12.c4 f5 13.Nf3 b5 14.cxb5 axb5
15.Qxb5 Qd7 16.Bd2 f4 17.Nh1 Nge7 18.Bd1 Rb8 19.Qa4 Rxb2 20.Bb3 Bxb3
21.axb3 Nd8 22.Qc4 Nc8 23.Bxf4 Nf7 24.Bd2 Nb6 25.Qc1 Rxb3 26.Qc2 Qe6
27.Ba5 Nd7 28.Nd2 Rb7 29.Rfb1 Rxb1+ 30.Rxb1 0-0 31.f3 Ra8 32.Nc4 Bf8
33.Nf2 Nd6 34.Bxc7 Nxc4 35.Qxc4 Qxc4 36.dxc4 Ra7 37.Bd8 Ra4 38.Rc1 Bh6
39.Rd1 Be3 40.Kf1 Bxf2 41.Kxf2 Rxc4 42.Rd2 Kf7 43.Bg5 Nc5
All material is explained at the hand of 54 heavy loaded model
games,where six of them come from the year 2012.
Conclusion: A must for all fans of
the move 3…Qd6!?

Opening Encyclopedia 2013
Price Euro 99.90
Pentium-Processor at 300 Mhz or higher, 64 MB RAM, Windows XP, Windows
Vista, Windows 7, DVD drive, mouse, soundcard
This brand new release of ECO of chess openings holds over 4.5
million high class chess games, exactly counted 4506340 games and that
is a
small 177.000 more games than the previous issue 2012.
A small 80.000 of these games cover heavy loaded annotations, but
the experts under us prefer these ECO DVD’s for the
excellent made
theory surveys often taken from the well filled ChessBase Magazines.
For example A :Ruy Lopez Marshall
Survey from Ftacnik:, 2011:
1.e4 e5 2.Nf3 Nc6 3.Bb5 a6 4.Ba4 Nf6 5.0-0 Be7 6.Re1 b5 7.Bb3 0-0 8.c3
d5 9.exd5 Nxd5 10.Nxe5 Nxe5 11.Rxe5 c6 12.d4 Bd6 13.Re1 Qh4 14.g3 Qh3
15.Re4 g5 16.Qf1 This move-order is considered to be the most
principled way to meet Black's set up. 16...Qh5 Auch der Übergang
ins Endspiel ist spielbar, doch vermutlich kann Weiß einen
kleinen Vorteil behaupten. [16...Qxf1+!? Svidler decides to deviate
from the famous Kramnik-Leko game that we've mentioned earlier. 17.Kxf1
Bf5 (17...Bh3+ 18.Kg1 h6 19.Nd2 Nf6 20.Re1 Rfe8 21.Nf3 Rxe1+ 22.Nxe1
Re8 23.Ng2 Bxg2 24.Kxg2 Re1 25.Rb1 c5 26.Bc2 cxd4 27.cxd4 Nd5 28.a3 b4
29.axb4 Bxb4 30.h4± ½-½ Pelletier,Y (2599)-Jenni,F
(2524)/Switzerland 2007 (45)) 18.f3 a) 18.Re1 Rae8 19.Be3 Bh3+ 20.Kg1
f5 21.Na3 f4 22.Bd2 Kg7 23.Bxd5 cxd5 24.Nc2 Bf5© ½-½
Moraru,M-Florescu,C/Olanesti 1997; b) 18.Nd2!? Rfe8 b1) 18...h6 19.Re1
Rae8 20.Nf3 g4 (20...Bh3+ 21.Kg1 Bg4 22.Ne5 f6 23.Nd3 Bf5 24.Rd1 Bg4
25.Rd2 Kg7 26.a4 Nb6 27.axb5 axb5 28.Bd1 Bf5 29.Bf3² 1-0
Volokitin,A (2660)-Ponomariov,R (2738)/Foros 2006 (63)) 21.Bxh6 (21.Ng1
Bd3+ 22.Ne2 Re6 23.Bxd5 cxd5 24.Be3 Rfe8 25.Red1 Be4 26.Nc1 h5 27.Nd3
Bf3 28.Re1 h4 29.Bf4 Be4 30.Ne5 Bf5 31.f3 ½-½ Motylev,A
(2648)-Onischuk,A (2650)/Biel 2007) 21...gxf3 22.Bxf8 Rxf8 (22...Kxf8
23.Rxe8+ Kxe8 24.a4 Bd3+ 25.Kg1 f5 26.axb5 axb5 27.Ra8+ Ke7 28.Bxd5
cxd5 29.h4± 0-1 Caruana,F (2594)-Jenni,F (2511)/Winterthur 2007
(46)) 23.Bd1 Bg4 (23...Bh3+ 24.Kg1 Bg2 25.a4 Kh8 26.Re4 b4 27.c4 Nf4
28.gxf4 Rg8 29.c5 ½-½ Volokitin,A (2666)-Sargissian,G
(2610)/Germany 2006) 24.a4 Rd8 (24...b4 25.c4 Nf6 26.c5 Bc7 27.Bb3 Nd5
28.a5 Ra8 29.Ba4 Bd7 30.Bd1 Bg4 31.Re4 Bf5= ½-½
Volokitin,A (2654)-Onischuk,A (2663)/Sochi 2007 (34)) 25.axb5 axb5
26.Kg1 Kg7 27.h3 Bxh3 28.Bxf3 Be6 29.Ra6 Rc8 30.Rea1 Be7 31.Ra8 Rxa8
32.Rxa8 Bg5 33.Ra1 Ne7 34.Kf1 b4 35.Ke1 bxc3 36.bxc3 Nd5 37.Ra6
½-½ Bacrot,E (2695)-Anand,V (2792)/Mainz 2007; b2)
18...Rad8 19.Re1 (19.f3 Bxe4 20.fxe4 Nc7 21.Kg2 b21) 21.a4 h6
(21...Rfe8 22.axb5 axb5 23.e5 Be7 24.Ne4 Ra8 25.Rb1 h6 26.h4 Ne6
27.Bxe6 fxe6 28.hxg5 hxg5 29.Bxg5 Bxg5 30.Nxg5= 1-0 Vachier Lagrave,M
(2632)-Jenni,F (2550)/Plovdiv 2008 (69)) 22.Kg2 Rd7 23.h4 gxh4 24.e5
Be7 25.gxh4 Kg7 26.axb5 axb5 27.Ne4 Ra8 28.Rxa8 Nxa8 29.Ng3±
½-½ Jakovenko,D (2667)-Zhang Zhong (2639)/Ergun 2006
(71); b22) 21.Nf3 h6 22.Be3 Kg7 23.Bc2 Rfe8 24.Kf2 a5 25.a4 b4 26.Nd2
f5 27.exf5 Nd5 28.Ne4 Nf6 29.Nxf6 Kxf6 30.Rh1 c5 31.dxc5 Bxc5
½-½ Grigoriants,S (2592)-Lalic,B (2522)/Cappelle la
Grande 2007; 21...c5 22.Nf3 h6 23.Be3 cxd4 24.Nxd4 Rfe8 25.Rf1 Rd7
26.Rf6 Rxe4 27.Kf3 Re5 28.Nf5 Ne8 29.Bxf7+ Rxf7 30.Nxh6+ Kg7 31.Rxf7+
Kxh6µ 0-1 Almasi,Z (2672)-Harikrishna,P (2682)/Paks 2006 (37))
19...Rde8 20.Nf3 g4 21.Bh6 gxf3 22.Bxf8 Rxf8 23.Bd1 Bg4 24.a4 Rd8
25.axb5 axb5 26.Ra6 c5 27.dxc5 Bxc5 28.Rc6 Ba7 29.Ra6 Bc5 30.Rc6
½-½ Karjakin,S (2661)-Grischuk,A (2719)/Turin 2006;
b3) 18...Rae8 19.f3 Nf6 20.Rxe8 Rxe8 21.Kf2 g4 22.Bd1 gxf3 23.Nxf3 Ng4+
24.Kg1 c5 25.Bd2 Ne3 26.Bxe3 Rxe3 27.Kf2± 1-0 Motylev,A
(2638)-Sargissian,G (2603)/Moscow 2006 (54); 19.f3 g4? 20.Rxe8+ Rxe8
21.Ne4 Bxe4 22.fxe4 Rxe4 23.a4² Hotting,A-Elburg,J/IECG email
2002; 18...h6 19.Nd2!? An exchange sacrifice on e4 isn't a new idea in
Marshall variation, but white's last move is a novelty. (19.Re1 Rfe8
20.Bxd5 cxd5 21.Rxe8+ Rxe8 22.Kf2 a5 23.a3 Bd3© ½-½
Peng Xiaomin-Grischuk,A/Shanghai 2001) 19...Bxe4 20.fxe4 White's got a
pawn and a very strong centre for exchange. In my opinion the arising
position is some kind of dynamic equality, but Black has more obstacles
to find the right pass, so I'd pick White if had I been offered the
choice! That's the best of evaluation I can come with at this late
hour! 20...Nc7 21.Kg2 (Nothing promised 21.e5 Be7 22.Ne4 Nd5 23.Kg2 f6
24.exf6 Bxf6= and Black is fine.; 21.Nf3 Kg7 22.Be3 a5 23.a4 f6 24.axb5
cxb5 25.Bc2 a4 26.d5 Be5 27.Bc5± 1-0 Vachier Lagrave,M
(2632)-Kurnosov,I (2593)/Plovdiv 2008 (46)) 21...c5! Black needs open
lines for his rooks, so his last move is perfectly logical in that
sense. 22.e5 Be7 23.Ne4 (23.dxc5?! Ne6 (23...Bxc5?! 24.Ne4 Be7
25.h4²) 24.Bxe6 fxe6 25.b4 Rf5 26.a4 Raf8 27.axb5 axb5f) 23...cxd4
24.cxd4 a5 25.Be3?! Many commentators regarded this move with an
exclaimation mark, but I think it's a dubious idea after which Black is
the only one who can fight for advantage. It was better to play
(25.a3!? even though Black doesn't face any problems in that case too:
25...a4 26.Ba2 Rfd8 (26...b4 27.axb4 Rab8 28.d5 Rxb4 29.Kf3²)
27.Be3 Nd5 28.Bxd5 Rxd5 29.Rc1 Rd7 30.Kf3 Rb8=) 25...a4 26.Bd1 Nd5?!
(26...f6! 27.exf6 Bxf6 28.Bf3 Rad8³) 27.Bf2 Rac8 28.Rb1!=
½-½ Anand,V (2788)-Svidler,P (2738)/San Luis 2005 (39) In
certain lines the pawn on b2 is hanging so it's just the right moment
to protect it since Black may hardly improve his position.] 17.Nd2 Bf5
[17...f5 18.Bd1 (18.Re1 f4 19.Bd1 (19.Ne4 fxg3 20.hxg3 Bg4 21.Bxg5 Bxg3
22.Nxg3 Qxg5 23.Re5 Qh4 24.Rxd5 cxd5 25.Bxd5+ Kh8 26.Bxa8 Rxa8 27.Qe1
Rg8 28.Qe5+ Rg7 29.Re1+- 1-0 Almasi,Z (2657)-Gyimesi,Z (2614)/Hungary
2006 (31)) 19...f3 20.Ne4 Bh3 21.Qd3 Rae8 22.Bd2 Rxe4 23.Qxe4 Bxg3
24.Bxf3 Bxh2+ 25.Kxh2 Bg4+ 26.Kg1 Bxf3 27.Qe6+ Kg7 28.Qe5+ Rf6 29.Qh2
Rh6 0-1 Vachier Lagrave,M (2703)-Svidler,P (2739)/San Sebastian 2009)
18...Qh6 (18...g4 19.Re1 f4 20.Ne4 Bc7 21.Bb3 Kh8 22.gxf4 Nxf4 23.Bxf4
Bxf4 24.Qg2 Ra7 25.Re2 Re7 26.Ng3 Qg5 27.Rxe7 Qxe7 28.Qxc6±
½-½ Motylev,A (2638)-Beliavsky,A (2626)/Wijk aan Zee 2006
(51)) 19.Re1 f4 20.Ne4 Bc7 (20...Bh3 21.Qe2 Rae8 22.Qh5 Qxh5 23.Bxh5
Re6 24.Bd2 Be7 25.g4 f3 26.Nxg5 Rxe1+ 27.Rxe1 Bxg5 28.Bxg5 b4 29.cxb4
Nf4 30.Bxf4 Rxf4 31.g5+- 1-0 Shabalov,A (2580)-Vescovi,G (2631)/Sao
Paulo 2009 (52)) 21.Bf3 (21.Bd2 Bf5 (21...Kh8 22.Qe2 Bf5 23.Qh5 Qxh5
24.Bxh5 Bxe4 25.Rxe4 fxg3 26.fxg3 Nf6 27.Re7 Bxg3 28.hxg3 Nxh5 29.Kg2
g4 30.Rh1± 1-0 Vallejo Pons,F (2660)-Sargissian,G (2673)/Calvia
2007 (76)) 22.Nc5 Rf7 (22...Bd6 23.Bf3 Kh8 24.Nb7 Bb8 25.a4 Ra7 26.axb5
Rxb7 27.Rxa6 fxg3 28.fxg3 Nf6 29.Bxc6 Bh3 30.Bg2 Bxg2 31.Qxg2² 1-0
Galkin,A (2590)-Nielsen,P (2649)/Dresden 2007 (54)) 23.Qe2 Raf8 24.Qh5
Qf6 25.g4 Bg6 26.Qh3 Re7 27.Rxe7 Qxe7 28.Bf3± 1-0 Shirov,A
(2735)-Akopian,V (2708)/Carlsbad 2007 (41)) 21...Bh3 22.Qd3 Rf7 23.Bd2
Raf8 24.Bh1 Rg7 25.Bf3 Rgf7 26.Bh1 Rg7 27.Bf3 Rgf7 ½-½
Svidler,P (2728)-Leko,P (2749)/Morelia/Linares 2007;
17...Nf6 18.f3 Nxe4 19.fxe4 Bh3 20.Qf3 Qxf3 21.Nxf3 h6 22.Be3 Kg7 23.a4
Be6 24.Bc2 Rfb8 ½-½ Vachier Lagrave,M (2595)-Fressinet,L
(2646)/Paris 2007] 18.f3 Dieser Zug ist mehr dazu da der Dame ein Feld
auf f2 zu verschaffen als den Turm dauerhaft auf e4 zu etablieren. Im
Moment ist die Annahme des Qualitätsopfers praktisch
ausgeschlossen. Nach 18...Nf6 [18...Bxe4? 19.fxe4 Nb6 20.e5 nebst
¤e4 steht Weiß prächtig.;
18...Rae8 A rare move. 19.Rxe8 Rxe8 20.Ne4 Bxe4 21.fxe4 Rxe4 22.Bd1 g4
23.Qf2 Re6 24.Bd2N (24.a4 b4 25.Bd2 bxc3 26.bxc3 c5
Elyakim,D-Krempel,T/ICCF corr 1990/Corr Nr. 1 (0-1, 33)) 24...Nf6
25.Bb3 Ne4 26.Qg2 Nxd2 27.Qxd2 Rf6 28.Re1 c5 29.Bc2 cxd4 30.cxd4 Kg7
31.Re4 ½-½ Vachier Lagrave,M (2721)-Adams,M (2728)/Khanty
Mansiysk 2010;
18...Kh8 19.Re1 Nf4 20.Ne4 Bh3 21.Bxf4 Bxf1 22.Bxd6 Bc4 23.Be5+ f6
24.Nxf6 Rxf6 25.Bxf6+ Kg8 26.Re5 h6 27.Re7 Bxb3 28.axb3 Kf8 29.Rh7 Re8
1-0 Vachier Lagrave,M (2632)-Kosteniuk,A (2523)/Paris 2008 (85) 30.Be5
Qg6 31.Ra7±] 19.Re1 [19.a4!? Nxe4 20.Nxe4 Qg6 21.Nxd6 Qxd6
22.Bxg5 Qg6 (22...Rfe8 23.Re1 Qg6 24.Be7 Ra7 25.Bc5 Raa8 26.Be7 Ra7
27.Bc5 ½-½ Shirov,A (2720)-Leko,P (2741)/Moscow 2006)
23.Qc1 Bd3 24.axb5 axb5 25.Rxa8 Rxa8 26.Kf2 Bc4 27.Bxc4 bxc4 28.g4 Re8
29.Bf4 Qd3 30.Kg3 Qe2³ 0-1 Shirov,A (2720)-Aronian,L (2741)/Moscow
2006 (58);
19.Qg2 Qg6 20.Re3 Rae8 (20...Nd5 21.Re1 Rae8 22.Qf2 Nf4 23.gxf4 gxf4+
24.Kh1 Rxe1+ 25.Qxe1 Kh8 26.Qg1 Qh5 27.Qf2 Rg8 28.Bd1 Bh3 29.Be2 Be7-+
0-1 Shomoev,A (2559)-Grischuk,A (2716)/Dagomys 2008 (33)) 21.Ne4 Nxe4
(21...Nd5 22.Bxd5 cxd5 23.Nxd6 Qxd6 24.Rxe8 Rxe8 25.Bxg5 Qe6 26.g4 Bd3
27.Rd1 Qe1+ 28.Rxe1 Rxe1+ 29.Kf2 Re2+ 30.Kg3 Rxg2+ 31.Kxg2± 1-0
Anand,V (2779)-Aronian,L (2744)/Monte Carlo 2007 (57)) 22.g4 Ng3
23.hxg3 Bb1 (23...Bd3 24.Bd2 Rxe3 25.Bxe3 Re8 26.Re1 c5 27.dxc5 Bxc5
28.Qd2 Bxe3+ 29.Rxe3 Qb6 30.Kf2 Rd8 31.Qe1 Re8= ½-½
Svidler,P (2728)-Aronian,L (2744)/Morelia/Linares 2007 (38)) 24.Qe2
Rxe3 25.Qxe3 h6 26.Qe1 Bc2 27.Bxc2 Qxc2 28.Qe4 Qd1+ 29.Kg2 Kg7 30.Qe3
Bxg3 31.Kxg3 Re8 32.Qxe8 ½-½ Anand,V (2779)-Aronian,L
(2744)/Wijk aan Zee 2007] 19...Rae8 20.Rxe8 Rxe8 Wie es scheint hat
sich diese Stellung mit einer gewissen Logik nach 16.£f1 ergeben.
Allerdings war Lekos Zeit bereits recht knapp, während Kramnik
noch in der Vorbereitung war. 21.a4!? [21.Bd1 Qg6 22.Be2÷]
21...Qg6f Weiß hat nun ein Problem: er möchte ¤e4
spielen, aber vorher auf b5 tauschen - Schwarz macht da jedoch nicht
mit. 22.axb5 Kramnik ließ hinterher verlauten, dass es keine
gründliche Überprüfung von 22.axb5 gab und er am Brett
entscheiden wollte, ob der Zug okay ist. Wegen Lekos bereits sehr
knapper Bedenkzeit entschied Kramnik das Risiko einzugehen, ohne die
Varianten gründlich durchzurechnen. [Spielt Weiß gleich
22.Ne4 Nxe4 23.fxe4 Bxe4 24.Bxg5! so folgt (24.axb5? Bd3!) 24...bxa4!
und Weiß kann nicht zurückschlagen. Nach 25.Bc4 Bd5 hat
Weiß zwar die bessere Bauernstruktur, doch sein König steht
zu offen.] 22...Bd3 23.Qf2? [Weiß musste hier mit 23.Qd1 ein
Remis durch Zugwiederholung akzeptieren. 23...Be2 24.Qe1 Bd3 25.Qd1 ein
Remis durch Zugwiederholung akzeptieren.] 23...Re2 24.Qxe2 [Auch
24.bxa6 reichte nicht mehr zum Remis: 24...Rxf2 25.Kxf2 Qh5 26.Kg1
Bxg3! 27.hxg3 Qh3 28.a7 Qxg3+ 29.Kh1 g4!-+] 24...Bxe2 25.bxa6 Qd3-+ 0-1
Kramnik,V (2770)-Leko,P (2741)/Brissago 2004 (32) A famous game, in
which the former World Champion prepared the whole line with White
until a position that is completely losing, despite the computers'
optimism... Line
The user shall find all 728 articles from over the last 10 years of
ChessBase Magazine here on this excellent made DVD.
Besides the ChessBase Magazines there are over 5200 opening surveys
where many of them are pleasantly updated with latest novelties.
This all is well packed in crystal clear ECO openings keys, plus a Hugh
openings key of all games.
The material on this DVD is very up to date at time of release, to keep
abreast of new developments the latest issue of ChessBase
Magazine April 2013 is included here.
Conclusion: These ECO DVD’s cover more
material than all the openings books that I have collected throw the
Know the Terrain Vol.
5: The Philidor Structure
by Sam Collins
Price Euro 27.90
Pentium-Processor at 300 Mhz or higher, 64 MB RAM, Windows XP, Windows
Vista, Windows 7, DVD drive, mouse, soundcard
Sam Collins explains on this DVD all kind of Philidor structures where
white pawns are on d4 and the black ones on d6 and e5,and that includes
position as the Spanish Game.
The modern player of today does not play the Philidor but prefers
set-ups as Motylev,Alexander (2655) - Baramidze,David (2615) [C95]
Bundesliga 1213 Germany (2), 21.10.2012
1.e4 e5 2.Nf3 Nc6 3.Bb5 a6 4.Ba4 Nf6 5.0-0 Be7 6.Re1 b5 7.Bb3 d6 8.c3
0-0 9.h3 Nb8 10.d4 Nbd7 11.Nbd2 Bb7
12.Bc2 Re8 13.Nf1 Bf8 14.Ng3 g6 15.a4 c5 16.d5 c4 17.Bg5 h6 18.Be3 Qc7
19.Qd2 h5 20.Ng5 Bg7 21.Qe2 Nc5
22.Ra3 Nfd7 23.Rf1 Re7 24.Rfa1 Ree8 25.Nf1 Nb6 26.Nd2 Bf6 27.g4 hxg4
28.Qxg4 Kg7 29.axb5 axb5 30.Rxa8 Nxa8
31.f4 exf4 32.Bxf4 Nb6 33.Rf1 Nd3 34.Bxd3 cxd3 35.Qh4 Nxd5 36.Qh7+ Kf8
37.Bxd6+ 1-0 or
Hou,Yifan (2557) - Kosteniuk,Alexandra (2510) [C97]
Wch (Women) Nalchik (6.1), 14.09.2008
1.e4 e5 2.Nf3 Nc6 3.Bb5 a6 4.Ba4 Nf6 5.0-0 Be7 6.Re1 b5 7.Bb3 0-0 8.a3
d6 9.c3 Bg4 10.d3 Na5 11.Bc2 c5
12.h3 Bd7 13.d4 Qc7 14.d5 c4 15.Nbd2 Nb7 16.Nf1 Nc5 17.g4 h5 18.N3h2
hxg4 19.hxg4 Qc8 20.f3 Nh7
21.Ng3 Bg5 22.Nf5 Qd8 23.Kg2 g6 24.Ng3 Kg7 25.Rh1 Rh8 26.Nhf1 Qf6
27.Be3 Bxe3 28.Nxe3 Ng5
29.Qe2 Rag8 30.Raf1 Qf4 31.Rxh8 Rxh8 32.Rh1 Rxh1 33.Nxh1 Nd3 34.Bxd3
cxd3 35.Qf2 d2 36.Ng3 Nxf3
37.Qxf3 Bxg4 38.Qf2 d1Q 39.Nxd1 Bxd1 40.Qe1 Bf3+ 41.Kg1 f5 42.exf5 gxf5
43.Qf2 Kg6 44.b3 e4
45.c4 bxc4 46.bxc4 Qg5 47.c5 f4 48.cxd6 fxg3 0-1.
Just by following these lessons you be able to understand the
strategies that lay behind these pawn structures.
Going throw these DVD’s will help you to understand openings play much
better than simple memorizing Informator moves!
Running time is 3 hrs. 31 min.
Conclusion: These DVD’s from Collins
are overloaded with instructive explanations!

ChessBase Magazine
extra issue 153 Extra
May 2013
Videos by Dejan Bojkov,Robert Ris &
Lawrence Trent
ISSN 1432-8992
Euro 12.99
ChessBase Magazine issue 153 Extra comes with 24325 entries all taken
between February and April 2013,with these high quality games
you are excellent updated to keep abreast of all latest
For example,I found the following win from Steven Ferrero with the good
old Latvian Gambit: Kantey,David S (1788) - Ferrero,Steven (2065) [C40]
USA-chT Amateur East Parsippany (4), 17.02.2013
1.e4 e5 2.Nf3 f5 3.Nxe5 Qf6 4.Nc4 fxe4 5.Nc3 Qg6 6.d3 Bb4 7.a3 Bxc3+
8.bxc3 Nf6 9.Bf4 d6 10.Bg3 0-0 11.Be2 Be6 12.d4 Nd5
13.Qd2 Nd7 14.0-0 N7f6 15.Rab1 b6 16.Ne3 Nxe3 17.Qxe3 Ng4 18.Qd2 Rae8
19.c4 Bf5 20.Rb3 e3 21.fxe3 Bxc2 22.Rc3 Rxf1+
23.Bxf1 Bf5 24.c5 Nf6 25.Bd3 Bxd3 26.Qxd3 Ne4 27.Rb3 bxc5 28.Rb7 cxd4
29.exd4 Nxg3 30.Qxg6 Ne2+ 31.Kf2 hxg6 32.Rxa7 Nxd4 33.Rxc7 Nb5 34.a4
Nxc7 0-1,please alos see game 13 of larsen his book Larsen's Selected
Games of Chess 1948-69.
Included are video files from great games as the one
from Dejan Bojkov on the game: Larsen –
Stahlberg,Copenhagen 1958.
But there is more video entertainment as Robert Ris who deals with the
great Nezhmetdinov and Lawrence Trent digs in the fascinating Tromp
with ...Qxb2!
Conclusion: Facinating!But above
all must have material!