Chess Results,
1971-1974: A Comprehensive Record With 966 Tournament Crosstables and
148 Match Scores, With Sources Paperback
by Gino Di Felice
McFarland &
Company,Inc.,Publishers Box 611
Jefferson,North Carolina 28640.
465 pages
Price $49.95
Chess Results,
1975-1977: A Comprehensive Record With 872 Tournament Crosstables and
147 Match Scores, With Sources Paperback
by Gino Di Felice
McFarland &
Company,Inc.,Publishers Box 611
Jefferson,North Carolina 28640.
408 pages
Price $49.95
Chess Results,
1978-1980: A Comprehensive Record With 855 Tournament Crosstables and
90 Match Scores, With Sources Paperback
by Gino Di Felice
McFarland &
Company,Inc.,Publishers Box 611
Jefferson,North Carolina 28640.
397 pages
Price $49.95
Again Di Felice is good for some deep graving data work,on the years
1971-1974,1975-1977 and 1978-1980.
Three lovely created books where we only can praise the author and
publisher McFarland for this invaluable work.
These books are compiled from contemporary sources as newspapers,
periodicals, tournament records and match books.
When I went throw the years 1971-1974 the name Roy Dieks came back to
my memories and this young man was in the early seventies a huge
talent,who came second to Miles in the Manila world junior championship
of 1974.
He also won the 1971 Dutch junior championship but I found it a great
pity that there are no more records than only the name 15 year old
winner Roy Dieks.
The same with the Dutch Open of 1971 there where so much more
references to publish!
But the hero of the 70s was Bobby Fischer, for example see his
fantastic result of the Manhattan Chess Club Rapid Tournament, and not
to forget Reykjavik 1972!
For many the greatest match of all time.
1975 was a great success for the Dutch player Hans Bohm who received as
a 2300 player a fantastic second place in the
15th IBM International
just behind Ljubomir Ljubojevi 2615 but before players as Jan
Timman 2510 and Laslo Szabo 2545,but in Wijk aan Zee 1980 he archived
only one of the last two end places.
Later he made some career on tv.
But a new talent was storming in the seventies Gary Kasparov who the
USSR Junior Championship in 1976 and 1977.This was a considerable
achievement when
we realize that most of his opponents where older than
1978 was the year of the 29th World championship Baguio City between
Karpov and Korchnoi.
New York 1980 Heraldica Jennika tournament was in a impressively way
won by Roman Yakovlevich Dzhindzhikhashvili.
People say that Roman Dzhindzhikhashvili has trained Gary Kasparov and
Anatoly Karpov.
Conclusion: Three of those fabulous made
McFarland chess books!
ChessBase Magazine
extra issue 162
November 2014
Videos by Adrian Mikhalchishin,Valeri Lilov & Sagar
ISSN 1432-8992
Euro 12.99
This ChessBase Magazine is heavy loaded with exactly counted 26.670
games and all played between August and October of this year.
On these ChessBase magazines you will find difficult to find games as
for example the following Latvian
win: Bogdanov,Ivan (1861) - Dzera,Evgeniy (2150) [C40]
Konakovo Chervonny op Konakovo (9), 21.09.2014
1.e4 e5 2.Nf3 f5 3.Nxe5 Qf6 4.Nf3 fxe4 5.Qe2 d5 6.Nc3 Be6 7.Ng1 Nc6
8.d3 Nd4 9.Qd1 0-0-0 10.Be3 Nf5 11.Bxa7 b6 12.Nge2 Kb7 13.Ng3 Kxa7
14.Nxf5 Bxf5 0-1.
The video files go to Adrian Mikhalchishin who digs in a old pet line
from Vassily Smyslov in The Ruy Lopez, Valeri Lilov digs in the
game Kulaots-Gu Xiaobing, of Hastings 2013 and the brilliant
Indian player Sagar Shah presents us two of his own games and they are
truly worth playing throw!
Conclusion: Smashing games for a bargain price!

Most amazing moves
by Simon Williams
Price Euro 29.90
Pentium-Processor at 300 Mhz or higher, 64 MB RAM, Windows XP, Windows
Vista, Windows 7, DVD drive, mouse, soundcard
The brilliant Simon Williams provides the user of this
DVD with a selection smashing games where the aim lays in following the
footsteps of some of the greatest chess players of all time,as for
example the following game from Bobby Fischer,who went with his 21…Qd2
for a brilliant defence: Spassky,Boris V (2660) - Fischer,Robert James
(2785) [B05]
World Championship 28th Reykjavik (19), 27.08.1972
1.e4 Nf6 2.e5 Nd5 3.d4 d6 4.Nf3 Bg4 5.Be2 e6 6.0-0 Be7 7.h3 Bh5 8.c4
Nb6 9.Nc3 0-0 10.Be3 d5 11.c5 Bxf3 12.Bxf3 Nc4 13.b3 Nxe3 14.fxe3 b6
15.e4 c6 16.b4 bxc5 17.bxc5 Qa5 18.Nxd5 Bg5 19.Bh5 cxd5 20.Bxf7+ Rxf7
21.Rxf7 Qd2 22.Qxd2 Bxd2 23.Raf1 Nc6 24.exd5 exd5 25.Rd7 Be3+ 26.Kh1
Bxd4 27.e6 Be5 28.Rxd5 Re8 29.Re1 Rxe6 30.Rd6 Kf7 31.Rxc6 Rxc6 32.Rxe5
Kf6 33.Rd5 Ke6 34.Rh5 h6 35.Kh2 Ra6 36.c6 Rxc6 37.Ra5 a6 38.Kg3 Kf6
39.Kf3 Rc3+ 40.Kf2 Rc2+ ½-½.
As we can see in the following game from Williams,this man knows what
his is talking about!
Williams,Simon Kim (2550) - Green,Andrew (2151) [E76]
Hastings Masters op 85th Hastings (9), 05.01.2010
1.f4 g6 2.Nf3 Bg7 3.c4 d6 4.d4 Nf6 5.Nc3 0-0 6.e4 c5 7.d5 e6 8.e5 dxe5
9.fxe5 Ng4 10.Bg5 Qa5 11.Be2 Nxe5 12.Nxe5 Bxe5 13.0-0 f6 14.Bh6 Rf7
15.Ne4 Bd4+ 16.Qxd4 cxd4 17.Nxf6+ Kh8 18.Ne8 Rf5 19.g4 exd5 20.gxf5
Bxf5 21.Bf3 dxc4 22.Bxb7 Qb5 23.Nd6 Qb6 24.Rae1 d3+ 25.Kh1 Nd7 26.Bxa8
Nf6 27.Nxf5 gxf5 28.Rxf5 1-0.
Video running time: 5 hours and 30 minutes and there is a extra
database from 50 entries,where I found the following smashing win from
Bird,Henry Edward - Morphy,Paul [C41]
London m5 London, 1858
1.e4 e5 2.Nf3 d6 3.d4 f5 4.Nc3 fxe4 5.Nxe4 d5 6.Ng3 e4 7.Ne5 Nf6 8.Bg5
Bd6 9.Nh5 0-0 10.Qd2 Qe8 11.g4 Nxg4 12.Nxg4 Qxh5 13.Ne5 Nc6 14.Be2 Qh3
15.Nxc6 bxc6 16.Be3 Rb8 17.0-0-0 Rxf2 18.Bxf2 Qa3 19.c3 Qxa2 20.b4 Qa1+
21.Kc2 Qa4+ 22.Kb2 Bxb4 23.cxb4 Rxb4+ 24.Qxb4 Qxb4+ 25.Kc2 e3 26.Bxe3
Bf5+ 27.Rd3 Qc4+ 28.Kd2 Qa2+ 29.Kd1 Qb1+ 0-1
Williams writes: Morphy's brillent concept, and one which has stuck
with me forever.

First steps in pawn structures
by Andrew Martin
Price Euro 27.90
Pentium-Processor at 300 Mhz or higher, 64 MB RAM, Windows XP, Windows
Vista, Windows 7, DVD drive, mouse, soundcard
The well known Andrew Martin tells and explains in a good
four hours,the first
principles of pawn power, with it’s specific strategies and weaknesses.
There are several game files and of course a lot of video entertainment
but impressive is the following win from Svetozar Gligoric,on the
legendary Paul Keres :
URS-YUG Zagreb (2), 1958.
1.d4 Nf6 2.c4 e6 3.Nc3 Bb4 4.e3 c5 5.Bd3 b6 6.Nf3 Bb7 7.0-0 0-0 8.Bd2
cxd4 9.exd4 d5 10.cxd5 Bxc3 11.bxc3 Qxd5 12.c4 Qd6 13.Bc3 Nbd7 14.Re1
Rac8 15.h3 Rfd8 16.Re3 Nh5 17.d5 Nc5 18.Ng5 g6 19.Be2 Ng7 20.Qd4 Qf8
21.Qh4 h5 22.Bg4 f5 23.Nxe6 Ngxe6 24.dxe6 Re8 25.Bxh5 Qh6 26.Qf6 f4
27.Qf7# 1-0.
Yes an excellent lesson in hanging pawns!
A super lesson on isolated pawns is Spassky,Boris V - Avtonomov [D28]
Leningrad-ch Juniors Leningrad, 1949
1.d4 d5 2.c4 dxc4 3.Nf3 Nf6 4.e3 e6 5.Bxc4 c5 6.0-0 a6 7.Qe2 b5 8.Bb3
Nc6 9.Nc3 cxd4 10.Rd1 Bb7 11.exd4 Nb4 12.d5 Nbxd5 13.Bg5 Be7 14.Bxf6
gxf6 15.Nxd5 Bxd5 16.Bxd5 exd5 17.Nd4 Kf8 18.Nf5 h5 19.Rxd5 Qxd5
20.Qxe7+ Kg8 21.Qxf6 1-0.
Conclusion: This is a must DVD for all upcoming chess students!

Tactic Toolbox Grünfeld
by Michal Krasenkow
Price Euro 29.90
Pentium-Processor at 300 Mhz or higher, 64 MB RAM, Windows XP, Windows
Vista, Windows 7, DVD drive, mouse, soundcard
As we can see in the latest world champion match between
Magnus Carlsen and Vishy Anand,the Grünfeld is in.
It has been throw the years the favourite of the world champions as
Bobby Fischer and Garry Kasparov.
The well known chess crack Michal Krasenkow provides the user of
this DVD with a collection smashing exercises all based on the counter
lines of the Grünfeld Defence.
The 70 video exercises on this DVD are taken from first class
grandmaster games,and show us as no others the hidden possibilities of
this defence.
The positions are all arranged according to difficulty and that means
some are easy to find and others are pain thinking!
Running time is around 4 hours.
Conclusion: Highly recommended for strong upcoming