Latest book
reviews of 1 March 2020
Wilhelminalaan 33
The Netherlands.
Chess Books

Mental Toughness in Chess: Practical Tips to Strengthen
Your Mindset at the Board by Werner Schweitzer
New in Chess
141 pages
Price € 19.95
ISBN 978-90-5691-858-3
The chess amateur and mental coach Werner Schweitzer
who even worked with the national chess team of Austria, provides the
reader with a
useful mental tool box to improve your mental toughness in chess.
As we all know there is nothing more useful in chess as a positive
inner dialogue, but what to do as we loose? And why can we learn so
much from Magnus Carlsen?
Chess players are exceptionally nervous, before and during a game, a
certain tension is
good,it increases our attention and helps us focus, but too much
tension blocks the cooperation of the two halves of our brain.
This and much more in covered in this well written mindfulness tool box!
Conclusion: Highly recommended!
Also for trainings sessions.

Attacking with g2-g4: The Modern Way to Get the Upper
Hand in Chess
by Dmitry KRYAKVIN
New in Chess
288 pages
Price € 24.95
The phenomenal Grandmaster Dmitry Kryakvin does not attack
with the bayonet on move one as Henry Grob and Claude Bloodgood
once did, this chess genius waits for the right moment and than plays
his killing offensive.
Dmitry Kryakvin shows us as no other with a lot of practical
examples,and with a lot of move tot move explanations how to
expand the move order g2-g4, in a number of important Closed and
Semi-Closed Defences and Flank Openings,as the Dutch,Queen’s
Gambit,Nimzo-Indian, the King’s Indian, the Slav and several other
variations of the English Opening.
A fine example of play in the King’s Indian with the so called
Makogonov variation is: Riazantsev,Alexander (2646) - Kokarev,Dmitry
(2630) [E90]
RUS-ch Higher League 62nd Ulan Ude (4), 05.09.2009
1.d4 Nf6 2.c4 g6 3.Nc3 Bg7 4.e4 0-0 5.Nf3 d6 6.h3 e5 7.d5 a5 8.g4 c6
9.Be3 a4 10.a3 Qa5 11.Nd2 Nbd7 12.Be2 Nc5 13.Kf1 cxd5 14.cxd5 Bd7 15.h4
b5 16.h5 Rfb8 17.g5 Ne8 18.hxg6 hxg6 19.Na2 Nc7 20.Kg2 N7a6 21.Rh4 f5
22.gxf6 Bxf6 23.Qh1 Qd8 24.Rh7 Rb7 25.Qh2 Be8 26.Rh1 Rg7 27.Rxg7+ Bxg7
28.Qh7+ Kf8 29.Bh6 Bxh6 30.Qxh6+ Ke7 31.Bg4 1-0.
A other line in the King’s Indian is the Portisch-Gipslis variation:
1.d4 Nf6 2.c4 g6 3.Nc3 Bg7 4.e4 d6 5.Nf3 0-0 6.Be2 e5 7.0-0 Nc6 8.d5
Ne7 9.Ne1 Nd7 10.f3 f5 11.g4,a very flexible variation and the set of
strategic techniques here are more than extensive.
I would like to end with a analyse position of Isaak Lipnitsky: 1.d4 e6
2.c4 Bb4+ 3.Nc3 f5 4.Nf3 Nf6 5.a3 Bxc3+ 6.bxc3 Ne4 7.Qc2 c5 8.Nd2 Qa5
9.Bb2 Nxd2 10.Qxd2 b6 11.g4!
Nowadays,the name Lipnitsky says little to the modern reader,but he
belongs in the of players as Leonid Stein and he also died so
at the young age of 35.
Conclusion: Certainly one of
New in Chess best reads!

ChessBase Magazine issue 193
February 2020
ISSN 1432-8992
Euro 19.95
System requirements:
Minimum: Pentium III 1 GHz, 1 GB RAM, Windows Vista, XP
(Service Pack 3), DirectX9 graphic card with 256 MB RAM, DVD-ROM drive,
Windows Media Player 9, ChessBase 12/Fritz 13 or included Reader and
internet connection for program activation. Recommended: PC Intel Core
i7, 2.8 GHz, 4 GB RAM, Windows 8.1 or Windows 10, DirectX10 graphic
card (or compatible) with 512 MB RAM or better, 10
ChessBase Magazine 193 Extra comes with nearly one hour of highly
interesting video entertainment from famous chess players as
Marin,Mikhalchishin and Souleidis.
But there is more as 30 heavily analysed games by experienced authors
such as Alireza Firouzja, Peter Heine Nielsen, Romain Edouard, Lubomir
Ftacnik etc.
But in first place you buy this magazine for the latest games and on
this DVD you will find over 35000 latest played games!
Where I found quite some exciting Marshall games as the following one
from Michael Adams, Howell,David (2676) - Adams,Michael (2701) [C89]
GBR-ch KO London (3.1), 06.12.2019
1.e4 e5 2.Nf3 Nc6 3.Bb5 a6 4.Ba4 Nf6 5.0-0 Be7 6.Re1 b5 7.Bb3 0-0 8.c3
d5 9.exd5 Nxd5 10.Nxe5 Nxe5 11.Rxe5 c6 12.d3 Bd6 13.Re1 Bf5 14.Qf3 Qh4
15.g3 Qh3 16.Nd2 Rae8 17.Ne4 Bg4 18.Qg2 Qxg2+ 19.Kxg2 f5 20.Bf4 Bxf4
21.gxf4 fxe4 22.dxe4 Bf3+ 23.Kxf3 Rxf4+ 24.Kg3 Rfxe4 25.Rxe4 Rxe4 26.f3
Re5 27.c4 bxc4 28.Bxc4 a5 29.Rc1 Kf8 30.h4 Ne7 31.Bd3 Rd5 32.Be4 Rd2
33.Rc5 a4 34.Ra5 Rxb2 35.Rxa4 Kf7 36.Kf4 Ng6+ 37.Kg3 Ne7 38.Ra6 c5
39.a4 c4 40.Kf4 c3 41.Ke3 Rh2 42.Ra5 Ke6 43.Kd3 Rxh4 44.Kxc3 Rh1 45.Kb2
g6 46.Rc5 Kd6 47.Rc2 Rh5 48.Kb3 Rc5 49.Rd2+ Kc7 50.Kb4 Re5 51.Kc4 Ra5
52.Kb4 Re5 53.Rc2+ Kb6 54.Rb2 Nf5 55.Rd2 Ne7 56.Rd6+ Kc7 57.Ra6 h5
58.a5 h4 59.Ra7+ Kd6 60.Ra6+ Kc7 61.Ra7+ Kd6 62.a6 Rxe4+ 63.fxe4 Nc6+
64.Kb5 Nxa7+ 65.Kb6 h3 0-1,black to other Marshall games did end in
Conclusion: A must have chess DVD!

A nightmare for the
by Sergei Tiviakov
Price Euro 29.90
Windows 7 or higher
Minimum: Dual Core, 2 GB RAM, DirectX11, graphics card with 256 MB RAM,
DVD-ROM drive, Windows Media Player 9, ChessBase 14/Fritz 16 or
included Reader and internet access for program activation.
Recommended: PC Intel i5 (Quadcore), 4 GB RAM, Windows 10, DirectX11,
graphics card with 512 MB RAM or more, 100% DirectX10-compatible sound
card, Windows Media Player 11, DVD-ROM drive and internet access for
program activation.
MacOSX only available as download! Minimum: MacOS "Yosemite" 10.10
The well known Sergei Tiviakov provides the user of this DVD with a
wealth of interesting side line alternatives for white in the
Najdorf.Many Najdorf prefer to play the exciting
headlines but as we can see in this well made DVD,the
alternatives from Tivakov for white as the Dragon
set-up,starting with 2.Nc3{1.e4 c5 2.Nc3 d6 3.Nge2 Nf6 4.g3 g6 5.Bg2
Bg7 6.d4 cxd4 7.Nxd4 0-0} is more than dangerous for black.Simple said
it is all
a matter of moving your opponent into a unfamiliar position and the
included video files from Sergei Tiviakov are truly superb!
Sidelines 2...e5/g6/e6/Nc6/a6
2...a6 3.Nge2 d6 4.g3 b5 Part 1
2...a6 3.Nge2/Nf3 Part 2 - Games by Tiviakov
2...a6 3.Nge2 e6 4.g3 b5 5.Bg2 Bb7 6.d4 cxd4 7.Nxd4 Nf6 Part 3
3.Nge2 Nf6 4.g3 Nc6 - Dragon setup Part 1
3.Nge2 Nf6 4.g3 g6 5.Bg2 Bg7 6.d4 cxd4 7.Nxd4 - Dragon setup Part 2
3.f4 Nc6 4.Nf3 g6 5.d4 cxd4 6.Nxd4 Bg7 7.Nb3 Part 1
3.f4 Nc6 4.Nf3 g6 5.d4 cxd4 6.Nxd4 Bg7 7.Be3 Part 2
3.f4 Nc6 4.Nf3 g6 5.Bb5 Bd7/Bg7
1.e4 c5 2.Nc3 sidelines
1.e4 c5 2.Nc3 a6
1.e4 c5 2.Nc3 d6 3.Nge2
1.e4 c5 2.Nc3 d6 3.f4
Practice Positions
1.e4 c5 2.Nc3 e5
1.e4 c5 2.Nc3 g6 3.d4 cxd4 4.Qxd4 Nf6 5.Nf3 Nc6 6.Qa4 d6
1.e4 c5 2.Nc3 e6 3.Nf3 d5 4.exd5 exd5
1.e4 c5 2.Nc3 Nc6 3.Nge2 e5
1.e4 c5 2.Nc3 a6 3.Nge2 d6 4.g3 b5 5.Bg2 Bb7
1.e4 c5 2.Nc3 d6 3.Nge2 Nf6 4.g3 g6 5.Bg2 Bg7 6.d4 cxd4 7.Nxd4 0-0
1.e4 c5 2.Nc3 d6 3.Nge2 Nf6 4.g3 Nc6 5.Bg2 g6 6.d4 cxd4 7.Nxd4 Nxd4
8.Qxd4 Bg7
1.e4 c5 2.Nc3 d6 3.f4 Nc6 4.Nf3 g5 5.Bb5 Bg7 6.Bxc6 bxc6 7.d3 Nf6
1.e4 c5 2.Nc3 d6 3.f4 Nc6 4.Nf3 g6 5.d4 cxd4 6.Nxd4 Bg7 7.Be3 Nf6 8.Be2
Running time is over 5 hours.{5 hours and 20 minutes}With interactive
training including video feedback Bonus: Training with
ChessBase apps - Memorize the opening repertoire and play key positions
against Fritz on various levels Extra: All games by the author in
presented variation.
Conclusion: One of those well made
master level openings DVD's!

A modern approach
against the Sicilian Vol.1: The Rossolimo Variation
by Jan Werle
Price Euro 29.90
Windows 7 or higher
Minimum: Dual Core, 2 GB RAM, DirectX11, graphics card with 256 MB RAM,
DVD-ROM drive, Windows Media Player 9, ChessBase 14/Fritz 16 or
included Reader and internet access for program activation.
Recommended: PC Intel i5 (Quadcore), 4 GB RAM, Windows 10, DirectX11,
graphics card with 512 MB RAM or more, 100% DirectX10-compatible sound
card, Windows Media Player 11, DVD-ROM drive and internet access for
program activation.
MacOSX only available as download! Minimum: MacOS "Yosemite" 10.10
Grandmaster Jan Werle provides the user of this DVD with a detailed
move to move coverage of the Rossolimo Sicilian, probably the
most popular and
successfully anti Sicilian weapon which white can go for.
Playing 3.Bb5 means that you don’t need to keep up to date with the
latest theoretical developments, but simple playing you lines given
by our instructive speaking young teacher.
1.e4 c5 2.Nf3 Nc6 3.Bb5
4.Bxc6 bxc6 5.d3
5...Ne7 6.h4 Sidelines
5...Ne7 6.h4 h5 7.Qe2 f6/Ng6
5...Ne7 6.h4 h5 7.e5 Nf5
5...Ne7 6.h4 h5 7.e5 f6
4.Bxc6 dxc6
4.Bxc6 bxc6
4.0-0 Sidelines
4.0-0 Bg7 5.c3 e5
4.0-0 Bg7 5.c3 Nf6 6.Re1 0-0 7.d4 d5 8.e5 Ne4 9.Be3 cxd4
4.0-0 Bg7 5.c3 Nf6 6.Re1 0-0 7.d4 d5 8.e5 Ne4 9.Be3 Qb6 10.Bxc6 Qxc6
4.0-0 Bg7 5.c3 Nf6 6.Re1 0-0 7.d4 d5 8.e5 Ne4 9.Be3 Qb6 10.Bxc6 bxc6
Interactive Games
Game 1-17
Memory Exercises
Exercises 1-38
Repertoire training
Practice positions
3..g6 4.0-0 Bg7 5.c3 Nf6 9.Be3!? Qb6 10.Bxc6 bxc6 - Position 1
3..g6 4.0-0 Bg7 5.c3 Nf6 9.Be3!? Qb6 10.Bxc6 bxc6 - Position 2
3..g6 4.0-0 Bg7 5.c3 Nf6 9.Be3!? cxd4
3..g6 4.0-0 Bg7 5.c3 e5 - Position 1
3..g6 4.0-0 Bg7 5.c3 e5 - Position 2
3...g6 4.0-0 Bg7 5.Nc3 Nf6 6.e5
3...e6 4.Bxc6 bxc6 5.d4 f6
3..e6 4.Bxc6 bxc6 5.d3 Ne7 6.h4 h5 7.e5 Nf5
3..e6 4.Bxc6 bxc6 5.d3 Ne7 6.h4 h5 7.e5 f6
3..g6 4.Bxc6 dxc6
3...g6 4.Bxc6 dxc6 5.d3 Bg7 6.h3 Nf6
3...g6 4.Bxc6 bxc6 5.0-0 Bg7 6.Re1 Nh6
3...g6 4.0-0 Bg7 5.c3 Nf6 6.Re1 0-0 7.d4 d5 8.e5 Ne4
Just invest a small 5 hours and 30 minutes of your video time and you
will be able to out play your opponent in no time!
Specially with the prepared novelties that are extra included in all
major lines,but there is more as a extra
database,plus a bonus training app - Memorize the opening
repertoire and play key positions against Fritz on various levels.
And this goes really great!
This will improve your playing skills in a impressive way!
The story goes that Rossolimo devoted his to driving a taxi,singing
Russian folk songs
And checkmating fellow grandmaster with the opening that carries his
According to the site chessmetrics, which estimates historical ratings
of players based on results, his highest ranking was
15th in the world, reached in December 1953.
Conclusion: This DVD holds very
important reference material!

A modern approach
against the Sicilian Vol.2: The Moscow Variation
by Jan Werle
Price Euro 29.90
Windows 7 or higher
Minimum: Dual Core, 2 GB RAM, DirectX11, graphics card with 256 MB RAM,
DVD-ROM drive, Windows Media Player 9, ChessBase 14/Fritz 16 or
included Reader and internet access for program activation.
Recommended: PC Intel i5 (Quadcore), 4 GB RAM, Windows 10, DirectX11,
graphics card with 512 MB RAM or more, 100% DirectX10-compatible sound
card, Windows Media Player 11, DVD-ROM drive and internet access for
program activation.
MacOSX only available as download! Minimum: MacOS "Yosemite" 10.10
Volume two of Jan Werle well made DVD, The so called Moscow Variation
is completely divided to lines as
1.e4 c5 2.Nf3 d6 3.Bb5+,and 3..Nc6 • 3..Bd7 4.Bxd7+ Qxd7 (Main
line & sidelines) 5.c4 & 5.0-0 • 3..Nd7 and more.
All well packed in eight hours impressive made video files.
Again with interactive training including video feedback,plus extra
database material.
All included repertoire lines are more than impressively
1.e4 c5 2.Nf3 d6 3.Bb5+ Nc6
4.0-0 Sidelines
4.0-0 Bd7 5.Re1 Sidelines
4.0-0 Bd7 5.Re1 Nf6 6.c3 a6 7.Bf1 Bg4
3...Bd7 4.Bxd7 Qxd7
5.0-0 Nc6 6.c3 Nf6 7.d4
5.0-0 Nf6 6.Re1 Nc6 7.c3 e6 8.d4
5.0-0 Nf6 6.e5
5.0-0 Nf6 6.Qe2
5.c4 Sidelines
5.c4 Nc6 6.Nc3
5.c4 Nc6 6.Nc3 g6 7.d4 cxd4 8.Nxd4 Bg7 9.Be3 Nf6 10.f3 0-0 11.0-0 a6
5.c4 Nc6 6.Nc3 g6 7.d4 cxd4 8.Nxd4 Bg7 9.Be3 Nf6 10.f3 0-0 11.0-0 Rac8
5.c4 Nc6 6.Nc3 g6 7.d4 cxd4 8.Nxd4 Bg7 9.Be3 Nf6 10.f3 0-0 11.0-0 Rfc8
5.c4 Nc6 6.Nc3 g6 7.d4 cxd4 8.Nxd4 Bg7 9.Be3 Nf6 10.f3 0-0 11.0-0 e6
3...Bd7 4.Bxd7 Nxd7
5.0-0 Ngf6 6.Re1 e6 7.c3 Be7 8.d4 cxd4
5.0-0 Ngf6 6.Re1 e6 7.c3 Be7 8.d4 0-0
5.0-0 Ngf6 6.Re1 g6 7.c3 Bg7 8.d4
3...Nd7 4.0-0
Sidelines Part 1
Sidelines Part 2
4...a6 5.Bd3 Ngf6 6.Re1 e6
4...a6 5.Bd3 Ngf6 6.Re1 b5 7.c4 g5
4...a6 5.Bd3 Ngf6 6.Re1 b5 7.c4 Rb8
Interactive Games
Game 1-17
Memory Exercises
Exercises 1-16
Repertoire training
Practice positions
3...Nd7 4.0-0 a6 5.Bd3 Ngf6 6.Re1 e6
3...Nd7 4.0-0 a6 5.Bd3 Ngf6 6.Re1 e6 - Position 2
3...Nd7 4.0-0 a6 5.Bd3 Ngf6 6.Re1 b5
3...Nc6 4.0-0 Bd7 5.Re1 Nf6 6.c3 e5 7.Bf1 Bg4
3...Bd7 4.Bxd7 Qxd7 5.0-0 Nf6 6.Qe2
3...Bd7 4.Bxd7 Qxd7 5,c4
3...Bd7 4.Bxd7 Qxd7 5.c4 - Position 2
3...Bd7 4.Bxd7 Nxd7 5.0-0 Ngf6 6.Re1 e6 7.c3 Be7 8.d4 cxd4
3...Bd7 4.Bxd7 Nxd7 5.0-0 Ngf6 6.Re1 g6
3.Bb5 is white’s best theoretical alternative to the open variations,
this logical move allows white to castle and holds various other
options over.
With the black knight on d7 rather than its usual c6 square there is
immediate pressure on white’s centre,which we can see in the index
which gives white a freer hand in the choice of a plan.
Again all material is well covered with a lot of well made move to move
video annotations.
Conclusion: This is super