Latest book
reviews of 1 November 2021
Wilhelminalaan 33
The Netherlands.

ChessBase Magazine issue 203 Extra
October 2021
ISSN 1432-8992
Euro 12,99
System requirements:
Minimum: Pentium III 1 GHz, 1 GB RAM, Windows Vista, XP
(Service Pack 3), DirectX9 graphic card with 256 MB RAM, DVD-ROM drive,
Windows Media Player 9, ChessBase 12/Fritz 13 or included Reader and
internet connection for program activation. Recommended: PC Intel Core
i7, 2.8 GHz, 4 GB RAM, Windows 8.1 or Windows 10, DirectX10 graphic
card (or compatible) with 512 MB RAM or better, 10
ChessBase magazine issue 203 Extra comes with an impressive 52886
entries, and all played between 22/6 2021 and 8/8 2021.
If you like annotated games than go directly to the lucky bag files
with it’s 30 heavily annotated games, where I would like to show the
reader the following game:
Carlsen,Magnus (2847) - Duda,Jan Krzysztof (2738) [B52]
FIDE World Cup Krasnaya Polyana (7.4), 03.08.2021
[Shah, Sagar]
This was the Semi-Finals of the World Cup 2021. The first two games in
the Classical segment had ended in draws. The first rapid game of 25+10
had also ended in a draw. This was the 2nd rapid game and Magnus having
the white pieces was naturally quite ambitious. 1.e4 c5 2.Nf3 d6 3.Bb5+
This is a typical Carlsen move where he doesn't go into deep and sharp
theoretical lines of the open Sicilian, rather with Bb5+ he is able to
keep the game in positional territory and at the same time keep
pressure on his opponent. [3.d4] 3...Bd7 Duda's main aim in the game as
he explains on ChessBase India was to exchange as many pieces as he
could and keep the game simple. A draw in this game was a good result
for him. 4.Bxd7+ Qxd7 5.0-0 Nf6 6.Qe2 [6.Re1 is the main move in the
position. Qe2 is the second most popular.] 6...Nc6 7.c3 e6 A standard
idea to meet d4 by White with cxd4 cxd4 and d5. [7...e5 is a move that
you would like to play in order to stop d4. However, you cannot nip
that move in the bud for long. White goes 8.Rd1² and d4 is coming
7...0-0-0] 8.d4 cxd4 9.cxd4 d5 [9...e5? is a positional error because
you want to place the pawns on the opposite colour of your bishop on f8
and not on the same colour.] 10.e5 Ne4 [10...Ng8 is also possible here.
It seems like an undeveloping move, but the idea is to reroute the
knight to f5 via e7. 11.Nc3 Nge7 12.Be3 Nf5=] 11.Nbd2 Nxd2 12.Bxd2
Bb4!? Following the strategy of exchanging pieces. This is an
interesting moment in the game. On one hand Black has the better bishop
because the central pawns are not on the same colour as the bishop
here. On the other hand, Black is low on space and exchange of pieces
is to his advantage. [12...Be7 Duda made an important point here. He
said that a few years ago, this position would have been round about
even or even slightly better for Black. But in recent years, space
advantage has assumed more importance for the engines. The fact that
Magnus Carlsen has played this opening in such an important game shows
his trust in this position as White.] 13.Bf4 [13.Bxb4 Nxb4=] 13...0-0
14.Qd3 Be7 Getting ready to chop off the knight on g5 and also clearing
the b4 square for the knight. 15.a3 [15.Ng5 Bxg5 16.Bxg5 Rac8=]
15...Rac8 16.g3 Magnus's plan starts to become clear. He wants to play
h4, Kg2, switch his rook to h1 and launch an attack on Black's king
with Ng5 ideas. For Duda, the problem is that his position looks very
nice on the surface, but he needs to come up with a concrete plan for
activity. 16...Na5 17.b3 Stopping Nc4. 17...Qc6 18.Bd2 The knight on a5
is attacked and has to be defended. 18...Qb6 19.Rfb1 This looks
slightly uncomfortable, but moving your pawn to b4 is not a great idea
as it gives up the c4 square and Rab1 loses the a3 pawn. 19...a6 This
is part of Duda's plan. As we will see, this move is useful to play Qb5
in future to dislodge the strong queen on d3. 20.Kg2 Nc6 21.Re1 Magnus
realized that Duda wants to offer a queen trade with Qb5, that's the
reason why cleared the b1 square. [21.a4 Trying to stop Qb5 gives up
the b4 square. 21...Nb4³] 21...Qb5! [21...f6 is not a good move in
the position. You shouldn't be touching your pawns on the kingside if
not provoked. 22.exf6 Rxf6 23.Ng5!+-;
21...Na5 22.Red1!? Qxb3 (22...Nxb3 23.Rab1+-) 23.Bxa5+-] 22.Qb1
[22.Qxb5 axb5³ is a very pleasant position for Black as the pawn
on a3 is weak.] 22...Rc7 23.h4 Rfc8 24.Ra2 [24.Ng5 Bxg5 25.hxg5 Nxd4-+;
24.Be3 Na5µ;
24.Rh1 was possible.] 24...a5!? Duda tries to be slightly more
ambitious here. If White goes a4, then Black gets the b4 square.
Otherwise Black will go a4 and try to fix the weakness on a3 and get
the c4 square for himself. [24...Qb6 25.Rd1!? (25.Qd3 Qb5 26.Qb1=)
25...Nxd4? 26.Be3+-;
24...Na5!? was perhaps the strongest move in this position. 25.Ng5!?
(25.Re3 Nc4-+; 25.Bxa5 Qxa5³) 25...g6÷ (25...Bxg5 26.a4
(26.hxg5 Nxb3³) 26...Qb6 (26...Qxb3 27.Bxa5+-) 27.hxg5±) ]
25.Rh1 a4 26.b4?! [26.Ng5!? Bxg5 27.hxg5 g6 28.bxa4 Qxa4 29.Rh4 Nxd4
30.Be3 Rc4 31.Qxb7÷] 26...h6 27.Be3? This move is akin to
accepting an inferior position. [27.g4 This does look too risky, but
White has to unleash himself on the kingside.] 27...Na7! The knight is
going to b5 where it will attack the a3 pawn as well as the c3 square.
[27...f6? 28.Qg6!+-;
27...f5 28.exf6 Bxf6 29.Ng5! hxg5 30.hxg5+-] 28.Bd2 Qe2!? 29.Re1 Duda
was happy that he was able to distract the rook from h1 and bring it to
e1. 29...Qc4!? Duda's idea is to play Qb3 to offer a trade of queens.
[29...Qa6! This was a better square for the queen, so as to keep the
c-file open.] 30.Re3 Magnus stops it. 30...Nb5 31.Rd3 Defending the d4
pawn. 31...Rc6! A well-thought out move. The idea is to open up the
d8-b6 diagonal from where the bishop will attack the d4 pawn. 32.Rb2
Bd8! [32...f5 is possible, but after 33.exf6 Bxf6 34.Bf4÷ The
position is unclear.] 33.g4 Bb6 34.Be3 Nc3 35.Qf1 Qb5 36.Rc2 Ne4
37.Rxc6 [37.Rc5! Magnus thought for a bit before executing his move
Rxc6, and that's when Duda saw that Rc5 is also possible. Although this
move does not change the evaluation of the position - black is still
better. However, it does make Black's task quite difficult. 37...Bxc5
(37...Qa6 38.b5+-) 38.dxc5 R6c7 39.Nd4 Qc4 40.f3 Nc3µ] 37...Rxc6
38.Rd1 Rc4 [38...Qxf1+ 39.Kxf1 Rc3 was the better way to play for
Black. However, Duda mentions that he was slightly worried about 40.Rc1
Rxa3 41.Rc8+ Kh7-+ and that White rook could get very active here.
Ghosts as they say!] 39.Nd2 Nxd2 40.Rxd2 Qc6 41.Qe2! The point of this
move is to play g5 when h5 won't be possible. 41...Rc3 42.Ra2? This is
just too passive. [42.g5! Good or bad Magnus had to go for this.
42...h5 43.Qxh5±] 42...Bd8! [42...Qc4 43.Qxc4 Rxc4] 43.g5 hxg5
44.hxg5 Qc4 The other drawback of Ra2 is that now White cannot go Qg4
as the rook on a2 is hanging. 45.Qxc4 [45.Qd2 Bb6-+] 45...dxc4
[45...Rxc4-+ With the king coming to g6, this position is lost for
White. But when you are playing a game which is of great importance,
sometimes you just want to be extra sure that you are winning and
hence, your conversion is not the smoothest.] 46.d5!? interesting
practical attempt by the World Champion. 46...exd5 47.Rd2 Rd3?
[47...Rxa3 48.Rxd5 Rd3! This move was missed by Duda.] 48.Rxd3 cxd3
49.f4 Kf8? A crucial loss of tempo. [49...f6! One first glance it might
not be clear as to white this move is so strong. The main idea is to
break the kingside pawn structure for White and also fight for the
h8-a1 diagonal. 50.gxf6 a) 50.exf6 gxf6 51.gxf6 (51.Kf2 fxg5 52.fxg5
Kg7 53.Ke1 Kg6 54.Kd2 Bxg5 55.Bxg5 Kxg5 56.Kxd3 Kf5 57.Kd4 Ke6-+)
51...Bxf6-+; b) 50.Kf3 fxe5 51.fxe5 Kf7-+; 50...gxf6 51.e6 f5-+;
49...d4? 50.Bd2=;
49...Bb6? 50.Kf3=;
49...Kh7 was also winning. 50.f5 (50.Kf3 Kg6 51.Kg4 b5 52.f5+ Kh7
53.Kf3 Kg8 54.Kf2 Bc7 55.Bf4 f6!-+) 50...g6! 51.f6 Bc7-+] 50.Kf3? It's
difficult to imagine that a move like Kf3 is a mistake, when Kf2 and
Kf1 both draw. But the small point here is that the king will not be
able to come to d2 quickly to win the d3 pawn from f3, while from f2 or
f1 it can quickly move to d2 and win. [50.Kf2! f6 51.exf6 (51.gxf6?
gxf6 52.exf6 Bxf6-+) 51...gxf6 52.Ke1! fxg5 53.fxg5 Kg7 54.Kd2 Kg6
55.Kxd3= And you realize that losing an important move with Kg8-f8
leads to Black being unable to win this position.;
50.Kf1!] 50...Ke7? [50...f6! As White has not made progress to move
towards the d2 square, so Black can exploit this with ...f6! 51.Bc5+
Kf7 52.gxf6 gxf6 53.Ke3 fxe5 54.fxe5 Ke6 55.Kxd3 Kxe5-+] 51.Bc5+ Ke6
52.Ke3 Kf5 53.Kxd3! This is where Duda realized that he had botched it
up. Because now taking on f4 is impossible because of g6! 53...g6
[53...Kxf4? 54.g6! f5 (54...fxg6 55.e6+-) 55.e6 Kg5 56.e7 Bxe7 57.Bxe7+
Kxg6 White should be winning here. But in worst case, he cannot be
losing!] 54.Be3 The position is now drawn. 54...Bc7 55.b5?! Magnus is
trying to be active, but with this move he exposes his a3 pawn and also
gives the black bishop a square on a5. [55.Bc5!? Kxf4?? (55...Bb8=)
56.Bd6! Bd8 57.e6++-;
55.Bd2=] 55...Bd8 56.Kd4 Bb6+ 57.Kd3 Bd8 [57...Bxe3 58.Kxe3 d4+ 59.Kxd4
Kxf4 60.Kc5 Kxg5! (60...Kxe5 61.Kb6+-) 61.Kb6 Kf5 62.Kxb7 g5 63.b6 g4
64.Ka6 g3 65.b7 g2 66.b8Q g1Q=] 58.Kd4 Be7 59.Bc1 Ke6 60.Bb2 Bd8 61.Kc5
Ba5 62.Bc1? A big lapse by Magnus. [62.Bd4=] 62...Bc3! Duda finds the
winning move. But as he mentions, he hadn't seen the key idea here. He
just saw this was the right move and made it. 63.b6 [63.Kb6 d4 64.Kxb7
d3 65.b6 d2 66.Bxd2 Bxd2 67.Ka7 Bxf4 68.b7 Bxe5-+ Black wipes out all
the pawns and also stops the pawn on b7 from queening.] 63...d4 64.Kc4
Kd7 65.Be3 Bb2! [65...Ke6 also wins but Black needs to be very
accurate. 66.Bxd4 Bd2! (66...Bxd4 67.Kxd4) 67.Kb5 Bxf4 68.Kxa4 Kd5
69.Bb2 Kc4-+;
65...dxe3? White wins after this. 66.Kxc3 Kc6 67.Kd3 Kxb6 68.f5!+-]
66.Bxd4 Bxa3 67.Be3 Bb2 68.Kb4 a3 69.Kb3 Ke6 70.Ka2 Kd5 The rest is
easy. Duda comes in with his king, the pawn on a3 stops the white king
from activating itself and the bishop cleans up the remaining pawns.
71.Kb3 Ke4 72.Bd2 Bd4 73.Kxa3 Bxb6 [73...Be3? It is never to late to
blunder and lose! 74.Bxe3 Kxe3 75.f5+-] 74.Kb4 Bf2 With the bishop
coming to g3, Magnus is going to lose all his pawns. He resigned here.
Duda won this game and he calls this duel as the most significant game
of his career, as with this win he not only moved to the finals of the
World Cup 2021, but also qualified for the Candidates 2022. 0-1.
This is a very instructive game!
Smashing are the included video files from Jan Werle: 1.e4 c6
2.d4 d5 3.e5 Bf5 4.c4,Robert Ris 1.e4 c5 2.Nf3 e6 3.d4 exd4 4.Nxd4 Nc6
5.Nc3 Qc7 6.Be3 a6 7.g4 and Spyridon Kapnisis who contributes
“The Brilliancy”.
The games from the Update Service are also included in the Mega Update
Service 2021, which can be used with the programs ChessBase 15/16.
Conclusion: A must to have!

Master Class Vol.8 -
Magnus Carlsen 2nd Edition
by Daniel King, Dr. Karsten
Müller, Mihail Marin, Oliver Reeh & Niclas Huschenbeth
Price Euro 29.90
Windows 7 or higher
Minimum: Dual Core, 2 GB RAM, DirectX11, graphics card with 256 MB RAM,
DVD-ROM drive, Windows Media Player 9, ChessBase 14/Fritz 16 or
included Reader and internet access for program activation.
Recommended: PC Intel i5 (Quadcore), 4 GB RAM, Windows 10, DirectX11,
graphics card with 512 MB RAM or more, 100% DirectX10-compatible sound
card, Windows Media Player 11, DVD-ROM drive and internet access for
program activation.
MacOSX only available as download! Minimum: MacOS "Yosemite" 10.10
ChessBase has come with an impressive update of wonder boy Magnus
Carlsen, Master Class Volume 8 by Daniel King, Dr. Karsten Müller,
Mihail Marin, Oliver Reeh and Niclas Huschenbeth.
First of all the video files have gone from 7 to 11 hours of highly
interesting video entertainment.
Grandmaster Daniel King looks at this update at Magnus his games played
after the 2018 World championship title defence against Fabiano Caruana.
Others are: Interactive tactics test with video feedback
“Carlsen Powerbooks”: 16th World Champion’s opening repertoire as a
variation tree
Tactical training with 103 games and 218 training questions
Plus an extra video chapter by Daniel King.
For the 2017 edition please see:
And the new index: Introduction
Short biography
Magnus Carlsen Spotlight
Carlsen-Rapport, Tata Steel 2019
Karjakin-Carlsen, Shamkir 2019
Carlsen-Tari, Norway Chess 2020
Giri-Carlsen, Skilling Open 2020
Carlsen-So, FTX Crypto Cup 2021
Carlsen with White – rarely played replies
Carlsen with Black – playing for a win
Carlsen with White in the WCh matches
Carlsen with Black in the WCh matches
Carlsen-Eljanov, Norway Chess 2016
Eljanov-Carlsen, Wijk aan Zee 2016
Anand-Carlsen, Baden-Baden 2015
Carlsen-Kramnik, Norway Chess 2016
Carlsen-Harikrishna, Wijk aan Zee 2013
Nakamura-Carlsen, Zürich 2014
Carlsen - Wojtaszek, Sochi 2021
Carlsen - Tari, Stavanger 2020
Vachier-Lagrave - Carlsen, St.Louis 2019
Tactics 1-10
Carlsen-Orujov 2002
Carlsen-Danner 2003
Carlsen-Gretarsson 2003
Carlsen-Harestad 2003
Carlsen-Snarheim 2003
Hammer-Carlsen 2003
Carlsen-Elsness 2004
Carlsen-Ernst 2004
Carlsen-Nielsen 2004
Carlsen-Hole 2005
Tactics 11-20
Carlsen-Nikolic 2005
Carlsen-Morozevich 2006
Smeets-Carlsen 2006
Carlsen-Ivanchuk 2007
Stefansson-Carlsen 2007
Carlsen-McShane 2009
Carlsen-Howell 2011
Carlsen-Wang Hao 2012
Karjakin-Carlsen 2013
Carlsen-Caruana 2014
Tactics 21-32
Carlsen-Aronian 2015
Carlsen-Kramnik 2015
Carlsen-Li Chao 2015
Carlsen-Radjabov 2015
Carlsen-Karjakin 2016
Carlsen-Aronian 2015
Carlsen-Yuffa 2015
Carlsen-Granda Zuniga 2017
Carlsen-Tari 2020
Carlsen-Rapport 2019
Karjakin-Carlsen 2016
Fedoseev-Carlsen 2021
Small army, great attack
The eternal pin
The Carlsen endgame
In Capablanca's footsteps
Do not rush
Carlsen endgame with knights
h- and f-pawn can win in the Carlsen case
From the opening into the endgame
Rook endings are not always drawn
Knight on the rim is dim
Attack with opposite coloured bishops
Magnus’ mighty knight
The mighty doubled pawn
The hesitation check
Carlsens duo beats the rook
Opposite colored bishops favor the attacker
Conclusion: This is chess from the