Latest book reviews of 1 July
The Netherlands.
Chess Books
Anti – Sicilians by Dorian Rogozenko
A guide for Black
Gambit Publications Ltd.
192 pages
Price $22.95
ISBN 1-901983-84-b
It does not matter in this work if white goes for the Wing gambit or closed Sicilian the reader shall find enough explanations to get started with a detailed and well organised black repertoire line that covers nearly every serious anti Sicilian line of the Sicilian defence it is all present in well made Gambit openings book compiled by the Moldovan openings expert GM Dorian Rogozenko, where the black player even has the choice in this book to go for a solid or even more risky sub line.
Unfortunately for the Morra gambit fans Rogozenko rather jumps with a more boring move order over to the Alapin opening which is by the way covered with a well but for the experts under us maybe with a to small amount of 35 pages.
Interesting to mention is that some openings moves as 1.e4 c5 2.Nf3 Nc6 3.Nc3 e5 the so called irregular
ones have slowly grown out to very serious and playable anti lines and I can imagine that these surprising pages are not only interesting for black players!
The whole move order of a opening is very important for example white players could easy confuse
a Sveshnikov player with the positional move order 3…Nf6 4.Bb5 which leads to opening that is general considered as slight favourable for white ,pleasant enough many of these tricky move orders have been instructively covered with a large amount of useful suggestions.
Conclusion: A very objective written anti Sicilian repertoire book that is interesting for both sides of the board!
Secrets of positional chess by Drazen Marovic
Gambit Publications Ltd.
224 pages
Price $23.95
ISBN 1-901983-73-0
In a4 size!
Secrets of positional chess from Drazen Marovic is a excellent invitation in to the world of positional play with it’s so specific strategies of advantages and weaknesses.
In two former Gambit books from Marovic Understanding pawn play in chess and Dynamic pawn play in chess from we learned how to make advantage of the pawn but in secrets of positional chess we have the opportunity to get involved with all of positional principles as weak and strong squares first and second ranks etc. All explained at the hand of a large amount of game clippings compiled together from to day and yesterday all included with a lot of instructive text, as for example the interesting endgame position between the author and the great Victor Korchnoi played at Erevan1971, where the author explains this if I may say in a very honest way, “I did not pay must attention to the position because the following day we plated a new round, then there was a free day spent on a long excursion and only after that there was a special day for adjourned positions and relieved on our analysis who told me that everything was winning.{The most dangerous assessment}
Not checking things I went to the adjournment with a empty head forgetting two things first Viktor Korchnoi survived the siege of Leningrad and I was playing against one of the few truly great endgame players of the 20th century.
As I mentioned above this work from Marovic covers more text explanations than long and dry analyses which makes this work splendid for those who want to learn in a very enjoyable reading way the strength and weaknesses of our chess pieces.
Conclusion: A very pleasant read! {And it is not necessarily to be a candidate master to take up this work!}
Chess Informant issue 86
380 pages
Price GBP 18.00
This 86th volume covers all major tournaments played between October 1st, 2002 and January 31st, 2003 as Bled Olympiad, Kramnik - Deep Fritz, Kasparov - Deep Junior, Wijk aan Zee etc but it is not the best place to search for the latest played correspondence games.
All together this Informator is good for a selection of 536 games deeply annotated by the top leading players of the world as Kasparov,Kramnik,Anand etc.
In every Informator there is a theoretical survey in the ECO format from the most important theoretical novelty of the preceding volume which goes this time to the game Shirov – Leko Dormund of Informant 85/139.{Which is by the way a very interesting Sveshnikov game!}
1.e4.c5 2.Nf3 Nc6 3.d4 cxd4 4.Nxd4 Nf6 5.Nc3 e5 6.Ndb5 d6 7.Bg5 a6 8.Na3 b5 9.Bxf6 gxf6 10.Nd5 f5 11.Bd3 Be6 12.0-0 Bxd5 13.exd5 Ne7 14.c3 Bg7 15.Qh5 e4 16.Bc2 0-0 17.Rae1 Qc8 18.Kh1 Rb8!N
where the excellent notes come from the briljant Bjelajac,besides the selected combinations and endings from recent tournaments there is a selection of the best of Chess Informant which goes this time to the amassing chess genius
Vasily Ivanchuk.
Conclusion: Excellent material!
The …a6 Slav by Glenn Flear
Everyman Chess
176 pages
Price $19.95
ISBN 1-85744-320-9
This work from Flear with a6 in the sub line of the Slav is quite surprising a opening that nearly did not excise ten years ago has slowly grown out to a serious and above all a very reliable defence.
Eric Prie a French GM approached the author to write a book about his … a6 pet line and added a large amount of original analyses comments and good advises for this book.
The material for this book is presented with a nice collection of 82 excellent annotated games.
Probably we have to see the whole set-up with a6 as a simple waiting move as a kind of Avant Garde where
at a moment white has to show his hand and than black can react on his terms and could probably best go for a modern fianchetto or even a classically development in the style from Capablanca with ..e6 Nbd7 and e5.
The best advice from the author is don’t get confused and play your game with black!
Conclusion: Many of these lines in the …..a6 Slav are still evolving and there for a great opportunity for those who are searching for unexplored paths!
Nimzo-Indian Kasparov variation by Chris Ward
Everyman Chess
160 pages
Price $ 19.95
ISBN 1-85744-310-1
In this work GM Chris Ward concentrates at the hand of 68 compressive games on the reliable
Kasparov line with 4.Nf3 where white simple delays for a little while his options.
The first 64 pages of this book go lines with 4….b6 and the remaining ones to a set-up without 4…b6.
Ward is very good aware between all these tricky lines and dangerous move orders and explain the complex material in a very easy way of understanding, some times as game 45 to the bitter end.
Euwe once wrote about 4.Nf3 that it is not a bad move but unusual and does not enjoy any confidence at all but
The whole opening became suddenly popular when Gary played it with his world championship matches against Karpov in the middle eighties.
Maybe the best way of handling 4.Nf3 is the simple move order from the English Speelman with his styled 4…d6 and after 5.g3 Bxc3 6.bxc3 Nc6 7.Bg2 0-0 8.0-0 e5!
Conclusion: A very interesting side work on the Nimzo-Indian defence!
Shirov’s One Hundred Wins by Sergei Soloviov
Chess Stars
316 pages,
Price GBP 17.99
Nearly I would say at last a biography of the legendary Shirov who was the first player who
ever reached the 2700 level before the age of 20,Shirov is still a enormously talent and creative chess player who only can compared with his great lands man Mikhail Tal.
This biography on Shirov has a fine selection wins which are all excellent edited by Sergei Soloviov and Alexander Khalifman and covers many deeply move to move annotations from different grandmasters as Khalifman, Speelman, Shipov Motwani, Sakaev, and Yudasin.
Included in this book is excellent introduction with a very interesting biographical overview included with cross tables and well made photos from a quality that we could describe as from the best possible quality.
Funny enough Shirov has a very bad score against Kasparov so please don’t be disappointed if you find no winning game from him between these hundred games.
Conclusion: A superb chess book!
Super Tournaments 2002 by Sergei Soloviov
Chess Stars
556 pages,
A other high quality chess book that I received from Chess Stars is this heavy loaded tournament book
with a collection of 224 games of all 2002 super tournaments of category 18 and further and that includes all games from the match Ivanchuk – Ponomariov, Wijk aan Zee,Linares, Candidates tournaments etc.
And not to forget all games are extensively annotated by some of the best in the world as Kasparov {12 games}
Karpov {9 games}Ponomariov {19 games} Anand {12 games} and Khalifman is good for thirteen in depth analysed games.
The analyses easy reach the level of the Informator but pleasant enough all the comments are in text
and that makes this tournament book very instructive as for example the game Van Wely – Timman
that is covered with a lot of interesting background of the played opening and these analyses and explanations in text offer more readable information than any ECO of NIC symbol can offer you!
Included are besides the tournament reports and interviews that cover a lot of interesting back ground information a collection of 34 excellent made high quality photos that you normally only see in the most expensive tournament books.
Conclusion: A very high quality made tournament book!
Smyslov's Best Games Volume 1: 1935-1957 by Vassily Smyslov
Moravian Chess
Publishing house Moravian Chess
Post box 101,77211 Olomouc 2
Czech Republic
GBP 24.99 (hardcover)
Vasily Smyslov describes in this work his development as a chess master who participated at the age
of fourteen his first official chess competition in the central Gorky park,that time his specific style of play was already formed in general terms.
As Smyslov describes in his search for a style ”From my first tournament encounters I did not avoid going into
an ending ,since I possessed the technique of converting an advantage.
Therefore I did not complicate matters unnecessarily and I did not aim for effects but played as they say
in accordance with the position.
In this first English volume from Moravian chess which is by the way excellent translated in to English
By Ken Neat the first 22 years of Smyslov’s so extremely chess career where Smyslov performed so well
in these early days as the important Groningen 1946 tournament and not to forget the world championship title of 1957!
The first chess book that Smyslov did ever hold in hand was Alekhine’s My best games
But he also had in his father a very strong teach who even once beaten the twenty year old Alekhine
in a Winter tournament of the St. Peters chess club of 1912,where unfortunately the full score table of this tournament has been lost.
Besides the introduction” My calling of a to short amount of 15 pages there is good collection of 140 selected games included with, studies, cross-tables, tournament and match results but unfortunately no photos of this great man!
Conclusion: I am already looking forward to volume 2 covering the years 1957-1995!
Chess CD’s
ChessBase magazine issue 93
April 2003
ISSN 1432-8992
Price Euro 19,90 per issue
Annual subscription costs Euro 99,70
The master file from this ChessBase magazine is good for 1491 entries where
a small 500 of them are excellent annotated games analysed by some top leading grandmasters.
The most important tournament of this game go to the games from Anand and Judit Polgar played at the last Wijk aan Zee tournament.
From the 91 games of this tournament 41 of them are
very deeply analysed and that is more than any New in Chess or Informator magazine can offer you!
Other recommend data bases are the 8570 games of the ICCF telechess file where a small 100 of them are excellent analysed.
Besides these heavy loaded data files there a few smaller ones but not less interesting as the endgame file from GM Hecht, Strategies, Fritz forum and not to forget the theory files which are all together good for nearly 1800
Games and where the following theory files are covered: A29 English {1c4 e5 2.Nc3 Nf6 3.g3 d5 5.cxd5 Nxd5 6.Bg2 Nb6 7.0-0 Be7 8.a3 0-0 9.b4 Re8 10.d3 Bf8 11.Bb2 a5 12.b5 Nd4 (By Zoltan Ribli) A29} A 64 Benoni with g3 (Albert Kapengut) A84 Dutch Stonewall 1.d4 d5 2.c4 c6 3.Nc3 e6 4.e3 (Jerzy Konikowski)
B07 Pirc with 4.Be3 c6 and 5.h3 (Sergey Erenburg) B66 Sicilian Rauzer 1.e4 c5 2.Nf3 Nc6 3.d4 cxd4 4.Nxd4 Nf6 5.Nc3 Nc6 6.Bg5 e6 7.Qd2 a6 8.0-0-0 h6 9.Nxc6 (Avrukh Boris) C63 Jaenisch Gambit 1.e4 e5 2.Nf3 Nc6 3.Bb5 f5 where the article deals with the moves 4.Qe2 4.exf5 and 4.Bxc6 (Alexander Bangiev & Peter Leisebein} C82 Open Ruy Lopez 1.e4 e5 2.Nf3 Nc6 3.Bb5 a6 4.Ba4 Nf6 5.0-0 Nxe4 6.d4 b5 7.Bb3 d5 8.dxe5 Be6 9.Nbd2 Nc5 10.c3 Be7 11.Bc2 Bg4 12.Re1 (Victor Mikhalecski) E15 1.d4 Nf6 2.c4 e6 3.Nf3 b6 4.g3 Ba6 5.Nbd2 d5 (Alik Gershon) and at last E38 the Nimzo – Indian defence 1.d4 Nf6 2.c4 e6 3.Nc3 e6 4.Qc2 c5 5.dxc5 Na6 6.a3 Bxc3 7.Qxc3 Nxc5 8.b4 (Vtali Golod).
A large part of the Multimedia files go to the heavy smoking Vladislav Tkachiev.
Besides the included booklet of 26 pages there are on this CD the free updates for Fritz8 and Shredder 7.
Conclusion: Slowly these ChessBase magazines are a must for every ambitious chess player!
ChessBase monograph
World champion Fischer by Robert Huebner
Euro 29.99
A interesting made ChessBase monograph on the legendary Fischer
where Robert Huebner managed to improve in one or other way on all of Fisher’s 60 memorable games book and where Peter Schneider was good for all the most important chess matches and tournament reports.{Both are in English and German language.}
The main base with Fischers games is good for exactly 1000 entries where 44 of them are tournament reports,
so I can insure you that you shall find nearly every game that is ever published on Fischer,
where a small 460 of them are excellent analysed {Mainly ChessBase Mega Database material} but unfortunately I could only find one game in this file from by Robert Huebner!
Pleasant for the fans of Fischer are his seven video files as Fischer his famous newsreel film of Reykjavik 1972 which are good for a small 322 MB of this CD!
Conclusion: Huebners analyses of Fischer’s his 60 memorable games are in one word extraordinary!
ChessBase Magazine extra issue 93
May 2003 ChessBase
ISSN 1432-8992
Euro 12.99
Besides the two multimedia files from Kasparov playing a clock simul against six opponents located in Germany and America.{Taking on the world in Dresden & Fritz’s strongest opponents}
You shall find a excellent collection of 8477 high class Chessbase games with out comments, covering the period Tenerife 2003 and Basque Country world rapid where you shall find the games top playing
Judit Polgar.
Concluson: Excellent games but all without comments!
The Isolated Queen’s pawn by Reinhold Ripperger
Price Euro 19.99
At the hand of 17 introduction texts and 95 well annotated games Reinhold Ripperger
explains you the first basic techniques of handling isolated Queen’s pawn positions.
Many club players are usually afraid to get a isolated d-pawn and I believe with this work
the reader could learn in a easy way of understanding the strengths and weaknesses of the isolani.
Work like this can help a chess student considerably ,special with the intensive training’s file from seventy games!
Conclusion: The 95 annotated games are very intensive analysed!
Junior 8
System requirements:
Pentium or compatible PC, 32 MB RAM, Win98, Me, 2000, XP, CD ROM drive, mouse.
Price Euro 49.99
Junior 8 is written by the Israelis Amir Ban and Shay Bushinsky and has achieved by the years extraordinary
results as his historical performance against Garry Kasparov during the "Man vs Machine" match of this year in New York.
But also Junior has won the Computer Chess World Championship in 2001 and 2002 interesting to mention is that Junior is on it’s best with aggressive positions and does not handle the positional positions so good as for example Fritz8,some say Junior plays likes Kasparov and Fritz so dry as Karpov but above all it is unbelievable fast en digs awful deep some times even to with this latest release easy to 16-ply on a 2000 MHZ machine.
Interesting enough you get with this new release two chess engines, one is the original that played in the Kasparov match and the second is the most recent developed one where you easy get the feeling it has only some last minute improvements but personally I think that it was for the match with Kasparov completely rewritten.
Of course I did a small test under the following crazy position 1.e4 e5 2.Nf3 f5 3.Bc4 fxe4 4.Nxe5 Qg5
5.d4 Qxg2 6.Qh5+ g6 7.Bf7 Kd8 8.Bxg6 Qxh1 9.Ke2 Qxc1 10.Nf7 Ke8 and now on a 2000 mhz machine
Junior 7 even gives a more tactical performance with 11.Nd6 than the new Junior 8.0
with his more positional try of 11.Nd2!?
With Junior 8 you also get the latest Fritz 8 user interface which means the latest training functions for the opening, middle and endgame; new photo-realistic 3D boards in custom-designed silver and if you like it is even possible in surreal hot-air balloons and even a twelve months free access to from ChessBase and not at last the latest made Junior tournament book which is developed by no less than GM Boris Alterman!
Included as every Fritz an excellent database of 500,000 games and handy manual of nineteen pages.
A surprising chess engine!
Deep Junior 8
System requirements:
Pentium or compatible PC, 32 MB RAM, Win98, Me, 2000, XP, CD ROM drive, mouse.
Price Euro 99.99
This deep Junior 8 package is specially developed for a dual processor machine where the speed can increase up to nearly 90 % if you compare it of course with a single processor of equivalent speed.{Kasparov had to play against the full eight engines on a eight -processor Compaq machine!}
Included in this CD are besides the Deep Junior8.0 engine two experimental bonus engines and well Deep Junior 8.0YY and Deep Junior 8.0 ZX.
Seen the higher price of this engine I would suggest to buy it only if you have a computer with more processors but please not more than eight because that is really DeepJunior his maximum!
Funny enough some advertisers claim a faster process on a single processor machine
but so far I have my doubts about it! But first a small engine test after the following moves 1.e4 e5 2.Nf3 f5 3.Bc4 fxe4 4.Nxe5 d5 5.Qh5+ g6 6.Nxg6 hxg6 7.Qxh8 Kf7 where Deep Junior 7 likes to lock up his queen with 8.Qh7 and Deep
Junior 8 goes for the pin of the d pawn and plays 8.Qd4 !? does it means that the older Juniors are more aggressive? A other position that I tried was the following 1.e4 c5 2.Nf3 d6 3.d4 cxd4 4.Nxd4 Nf6 5.Nc3 a6 6.Bc4 e6 7.Bb3 b5 8.0-0 Be7 9.Qf3 Qb6 10.Be3 Qb7 11.Qg3 h5 12.Nf5 exf5 13.Qxg7 Rh7 14.Bxf7+ Kd8 15.Qg6 Nbd7 16.Rad1 Ne5 17.Rxd6+ Kc7 18.Nd5+ Kxd6 19.Bf4 Rxf7 20.Rd1 fxe4 21.Nxf6+ Ke6 22.Bxe5 Bxf6 23.f4 Qb6+ 24.Kf1 Bb7 25.Rd6+ Qxd6 26.Bxd6 Bd5 27.Be5 h4
interesting enough Deep Junior 8.ZX gives black a slight advantage with –62 Depth=15 for black but the real Deep Junior 8.0 gives black here a great advantage with –2.84 Depth+17.For the engine fans Shredder 7 prefers black with a slight advantage of 0.30 and probably the most objective engine of all is Fritz8 with a advantage for white with –1.37 Depth 12/35.
Anyway this Deep Junior 8.0 engine is the original Kasparov engine packed in the perfect made Fritz 8 user interface where you have the possibility to play around with 3 D boards and hot air balloons but I would also keep to Deep Junior 7.0!Conclusion: Pleasant side of this package is that you get three different Deep Junior 8.0 engines!
Fritz technique trainer by Henrik Schlössner
System requirements:
Pentium or compatible PC, 32 MB RAM, Win98, Me, 2000, XP, CD ROM drive, mouse.
Price Euro 19.99
A entertaining exercise CD from over 100 winnable game positions that can all be solved by
Fritz classified in difficulty from one two to five stars.
The material from Henrik Schlössner is very instructive with all the explanations from how
to move and what to play.
It is surprising that a human needs quite some time to solve a simple position where Fritz does
not even needs less than a second of his processor time.
Included is a full multimedia report of the Man vs Machine report from Bahrain with the well known “Spiegel” interview which belongs to one of the most interesting ChessBase magazines.
Conclusion: A very enjoyable exercise CD!
MegaCorr3 by Tim Harding
Price 45 Euro
ISBN 0-9538536-6-7
Tim Harding's latest ChessMail product is this heavy loaded Mega correspondence chess
CD that does not only cover a database from over half a million high class correspondence games but also covers a unbelievable amount of annotations to the games.
Exactly counted I found over the 527810 games where a impressive amount of 17297 of them cover excellent annotations to the games, and than I am not evening mentioning the several thousand more game fragments that can be found between these files.
If I may compare this with the ChessBase correspondence CD from nearly 80 Euro than I only can easy say Hardings's Mega 3 does not only cover over 100.000 more correspondence games but it has nearly twice as many annotations to the games, but above all the games have been edited by Tim Harding in a very effective way, where all the games are made available for the reader in the Chessbase (CBH) and PGN format so it is easy compatible with all latest chess software as for example ChessBase and Chess Assistant.
The PGN database is split into 66 files of 8,000 games (maximum) in order to be compatible with the free ChessBase Light program and other low budget software that only runs with limited game collections.
Besides the chess games there is the bonus of an extensively designed HTML Mega web site from nearly 200 MB where you shall find all kind of interesting features, such as a short history of the correspondence world championships and CC Olympiads included with cross tables of all the completed world
championships and so far I am aware of this intensive material has never been published so intensive before.
One of my favourite asides on this CD are the monthly columns that Tim
Harding writes for Hanon Russell's website the so called Chess Cafe, these series deals with historical topics, theory surveys and what ever else Harding feels like writing about.
The CD includes a very large archive of 79 Kibitzer files all in HTML format so it will run on every possible computer that has a browser.
And not to forget a large collection of 58 ChessMail issues running from 1996 till up to the end of 2002
and the only thing you need to open this all is a free Acrobat reader!
Please note that MegaCorr3 only contains data files so there is no kind of auto-run file or something like that, so just open it all with your windows explorer and your fascinating journey into the world of the correspondence chess can begin!
Conclusion: If there would be a price for the best rewarded CD than it certainly would go to this impressive made correspondence CD from Tim Harding!
Chess Informant CD issue 86
Price GBP 18.00
A electronic version of the Chess Informant issue 86 available in the well known Chess Informant reader 2.1 or the latest Expert lite version which are both available on this CD.
The free supplement on this Cd are all the games from Informant 85 but than without any annotations,
But it is a pity that we don’t see any free supplements anymore from former ECO publications!
Conclusion: These Informant Cd’s are an excellent alternative for the printed books
but it is not possible to export these Informant games to one or other database program!
Chess Magazines
ChessMail issue 4/2003
Chess Mail Limited, 26 Coolamber Park
Dublin 16 Ireland
Basic Subscription 40 Euros.
{For eight issues.}
In this heavy loaded issue you shall find a report of the ICCF world champions jubilee tournament
Which was won by the 13th CC world champion Mikhail Umansky. {A fantastic performance!}
His King’s Indian game with Dr.Hans Berliner is a must for every chess player!
Rune Degerhammar continues with his psychology of correspondence chess.;Champions League report
Where ChessMail players had finished a total of 221 of 320 games but still the final fates of the teams are far from clear.;EU Champion Vladimir Salceanu annotates {The Romanian veteran Vladimir Salceanu decided to retire from correspondence chess and sold his extensive chess library.}
CC Curiosities part four is good for some shortest CC games ever played,CC GM Olita Rause is god for a very long struggle in the Spanish exchange.
The endgame expert FIDE GM Karsten Müller is good for a study of rival passed pawns in the ChessMail endgame clinic.
The remaining pages go to the future of ICCF by George Walker,Cisions of ICCF’s future by Tim Harding
ICCF Interzonal 2000 match report, ICCF tournament result service and a preview of the 18th CC world championship finale.
A must for every correspondence and internet playing chess player!
British Chess Magazine No. 5
Volume 123
May 2003
Price: £3.25
Starting with: Melody Amber event in Monte Carlo,Fantasy Island
Where ken Whyld considers the mystery behind the discovery of the Isle of Lewis chessmen.
{Is it a fairy tale or perhaps something more sinister?}
Yates remembered {Frederic Yates died 70 years ago last November,where Steve Giddins considers the chess career of the great Yorkshireman in the first of a two part appreciation.{Good for eight pages!}
Chess questions answered by Gary lane { Where Gary discusses the problems of a few birds called the Pelican opening.}
In the Kavalek file Lubosh Kavalex remembers his former fellow country men
Ludek Pachman who passed away in March.{ The reader can find here the astounding win from Pachman on Fischer!}
4NCL weekend,{This third weekend of the 4NCL British team championship
season took place in Telford.}
The remaining pages go to News in Brief, Letters to the editor, reviews and new books, Congress Diary, Quotes and Queries, Endgame studies, Forthcoming events, Obituaries etc.
British Chess Magazine No. 6
Volume 123
June 2003
Price: £3.25
This issue of BCM contains a full report of twenty pages of the British team championship
where Green 1 went over to a overwhelming first championship title.
Other interesting items in this issue are Hunguest Budapest with a report from John Saunders,with quotation panels by Ian Rogers and game annotations by Ian Rogers and Laszlo Hazai.;Gausdal Classics 2003 where Kevin Thurlow reports on his trip to the Noregian woods.;Yates remembered,the second part of Steve Giddins on this great English chessplayer.: Congress diary book reviews etc
Spring 2003
Price GBP 4.50
Annual subscription 3 issues UK GBP 12.00
Or see
Between the monthly coming magazines as BCM and ChessMail I am very pleased to announce this latest issue from KingPin
for me one of the best entertaining chess magazines in the world.
In this issue you shall find a detailed coverage from David levy and how I saved Ronald Biggs.
David Levy recounts in these 16 pages how he rescued Ronnie Biggs with a little help from a tin of Bird’s custard.
But there is a lot more!
As: Kibitzing The Poisoned Pawn skewers kasparov,Keene and Nasty Nigel,
Gary Lane’s Agony Column with some sound advice from a savvy IM, Do the Drugs work?, The Dutch drug expert and semi chess professional Renzo Verwer explains specially for KingPin the use of artificial stimulants, and the question is of course do they really improve your performance at the board?
Gazza the Patzer where Tibor Karoly proves that the world no.1 is not all he’s cracked up to be.
Battle of the Sexes { A surprising view from Chris Depasquale.}
Memoirs of a mediocre chess player, Searching for Bobby Fischer part 1328,Grandmaster myths, Saddam’s
Friend {Where Sarah Hurst digs on the embattled FIDE president}
Problem safari,The do it yourself Sunday telegraph Chess obituary kit, Hack attack, Book reviews and legends of our time.
Issue one 2003
Price $ 30 per year {4 issues}
A brand new magazine from Thinkers press under leadership of the creative Bob Long.
The magazines looks very eye catching and is printed on a A4 format and if you ask me it is completely over filled with all kind of interesting chess material as Louis Paulsen Early father of hypermodern chess? by Imre Köning, How to write a chess encyclopaedia by Ken Whyld, Ken Colby Old Guys, A good game without the politics Iraq vs. Scotland by GM Jonathan Rowson, Why are some chess book titles so weird?, The gambit club library With the art of Bisguier, Chess antiques, Cawliga was a wooden Indian and so are the best chess sets, Samurai Chess {This review was also given by KingPin in 1998} Hammond Tykodi The beginning of the Purdy library project, The King’s Indian defence remains as strong as ever by IM Andrew Martin, Eureka! How chess ideas are born by Amatzia Avni, Rook endgames from the Hamburg City international 2002 by GM Karsten Müller,
Should you study pawn endings by Val Zemitis, John S.Hilbert America’s chess historian, Ulvestad by IM John Donaldson, The twi-knight zone by Bob Long,Is setting a chronos clock harder than understanding Einstein’s theory of relavivity?
The imperial Staunton, Checkered etc.
Gambit Revue issue 2-3/2002
Year subscription in Germany Euro 18,00
For information Schachverlag Manfred Mádler
Wägnerstr.5 D-01309 Dresden Germany.
The famous gambit magazine from Manfred Mádler
Where it is not sure if it comes throw your mail box three of four times in the year and the E-mails to Manfred always seems to get lost but Gambit Revue stays a interesting gambit magazine with contributions from interesting gambit players as Axel Müller and his amassing King’s gambit with 1.e4 e5 2.f4 Nc6 3.Nf3 exf4 4.Bc4 Bc5 5.d4 Nxd4!? 6.Nxd4 Qh4 7.Kf1 d5 8.Bxd5 Bg4 9.Qd3 0-0-0!
Than try to obtain all former issues because I am certain one day they shall become a collectors item!