Latest book reviews of 1 September 2003
The Netherlands.
Chess Books
Das Colle-Koltanowski system by Valeri Bronznik
Schachverlag Kania
Richard Wagner str.43 71701 Schwieberdingen Duitsland.
Pages 223
Price Euro 19.80
ISBN 3-931192-23-7
Cecil Purdy once wrote that a that a player who specialises in the Colle system needs to spend only a tenth of the time studying openings that he would otherwise have to.
The Colle is the safest of all opening systems for white and it was the amassing George Koltanowski 1903- 2000 who brought the Colle system to the attention of the chess world by playing this system with the strange looking bishop d3 to the best of the world,
even the great Alekhine went nearly down against George at the Hastings tournament of 1936 where Alekhine was for nearly for 30 moves a pawn down,no there has been no player in the world who has brought so many ideas in the Colle line as the bright George Koltanowski who still holds the in the Guinness book of records the title of the world record blindfold simultaneous chess.
In this latest work from IM Valeri Bronznik we can not only study all the most important ideas of the Colle but the author disrobes the whole opening with many move to move analyses as no other author ever did on this line before.
From origin this opening was called after the Belgium master Edgard Colle 1897-1932 but it was already Blackburne who played this interesting set-up back in 1880,as Bronznik explains it in his enjoyable written introduction.
All the major strategies behind the Colle are discussed by the hand from a collection of 43 deeply analysed games only I would like to have seen more explanations against the King’s Indian defence than he few explanations that I found on page 204 where black is avoiding the Colle-Koltanowski system.
Conclusion: Every thing is here in this book to get started with a extraordinary opening where nearly no memorizing of lines is required!
My great predecessors Part 1 by Garry Kasparov
Everyman Chess
464 pages
Price $ 35,-
ISBN 1-85744-330-6
For all who have followed Garry Kasparov shall be aware of his great interest for historical chess games,for example see his classic game annotations of the latest Mega database CD so this compilation of early historical annotated world championship games is long awaited but for the real Kasparov fans not really a surprise.
First of all it is exciting to open a book that is written by one of the greatest chess players of all time, interesting enough it is co-written with the brilliant chess journalist Dmitry Plisetsky who has made fame with his magnificent work on Fischer.{ Russians v Fischer 1994},
but unfortunately the introduction of this book does not explain us the role of the authors so I quess that Kasparov did the annotations to the games and Plisetsky the remaining work?
This work is more than a collection best games of all the world’s leading pre-war players as Wilhelm Steinitz, Emanuel Lasker, Jose Raul Capablanca and the legendary Alexander Alekhine.
Every game in this book does not only cover move to move annotations, carefully checked by latest chess engines but above all Kasparov describes in a excellent understandable way the evolution of these so unique played world championships games.
Pleasant in this work all kind of interesting chess anecdotes as from Fischer’s who once claimed that Bilguer’s 400 page Handbuch and Staunton’s Chess players Handbook are better than the modern chess books.
After Kasparov {Fischer is eccentric always and in everything including his opinions.In the 1960s the theory of the open games may indeed ‘not have advanced’ yet, but the start of the 21st it had undergone revolutionary changes!}
Besides the game annotations there are interesting research notes as the story from Alekhine that he was forced to write a scandalous series of anti Semitic articles to save the life and freedom of his wife Grace who was according to Alekhine his son was a American Jewish.
quite astounding but it even gets stronger with the story of Alekhine’s death that after Alekhine’s son the hand of Moscow touched his father on march 1946.
Interesting is a selection original opinions by world champions about Alekhine where I believe that the opinion from Euwe is the most objective of all Euwe simple saw Alekhine as an enigma who was only focused on his chess and on him self.
About the games from Capablanca I counted 38 games, Em.Lasker 31 games, Euwe 7 Steinitz 16,Tarrasch 20 but the most games go to in this part to the great Alekhine with 43 games, maybe I can better say superb analysed!{Even there is on page 373 a nasty slip because 17.Nf5! exf5 18.Nd5 Qb8 19.Nf6 simple wins! {ChessBase Monography Robert Hübner World Champion Alekhine.}
Conclusion: This work is than a modern history of the early development of chess because
It is one of the best analysed game collections that I ever saw on pre – war world champions!
Chess psychology by Angus Dunnuington
Everyman Chess
128 pages
Price $ 19.95
ISBN 1-85744-326-8
In this latest work Angus Dunnington discusses besides a pack of practical advisers and some illustrated games the secrets of chess psychology with all kind of motivations as inner peace sleep memorises super storage and even a short contribution on the sense of danger.
Intuition is a funny thing, it is even so that the stronger the players whose games we study, the more we trust their intuition but did you ever wonder why a chess master can play a simultaneous display against a group of club players and win most of the games, and a strong grandmaster can do the same with a group of masters.
This phenomenon fascinated Adriaan de Groot a Dutch psychologist who wondered why Grandmasters are better than masters, unfortunately I am missing this book from de Groot in the impressive bibliography list from Dunnington.
Interesting to mention is that I saw in the book from Dunnington that certain kind of food and drink might be associated with our memory, but one thing is certain alcohol and chess don’t mix!
Conclusion: Chess is the ideal way to develop analytical ability special with this highly enjoyable read from Angus Dunnington!
Starting out the English by Neil MCDonald
Everyman Chess
Pages 190
Price $ 16.95
ISBN 1-85744-322-5
Starting out the Ruy Lopez by John Shaw
Everyman Chess
Pages 144
Price $ 16.95
ISBN 1-85744-321-7
Starting out the Pirc/Modern by Joe Gallagher
Everyman Chess
192 Pages
Price $16.95
ISBN 1-85744-336-5
Three brand new Starting out easy to read openings books where Neil MCDonald discusses at the hand of collection of 52 games the most important basics of the English opening after 1.c4 as the symmetrical English with or without the Hedgehog, The Nimzo-English,
The four knights, The reserved Dragon, Black plays a King’s Indian setup,Reti lines etc.
Included is the remarkable idea from Michel Krasenkow 1.c4 Nf6 2.Nf3 e6 3.Nc3 Bb4 4.g4!? which reminds us at the English maverick Michael Basman who even has a patent on 1.g4!?
Included is a collection of 52 highly instructive games where the aim lays by instructional value above latest chess developments.
Conclusion: A enjoyable invitation in to the world of the English opening but be aware in these starting out series there is usually only a coverage of the most important lines!
This second starting out book covers the whole Ruy Lopez and that is not a very easy task for a author of chess books but the three time Scottish champion has managed to present a highly enjoyable read about the Spanish opening starting with the pet line of Vladimir Kramnik the Berlin defence some say the Berlin wall and ending with the reliable Chigorin defence.
Shaw explains the whole Ruy Lopez at the hand of a impressive collection of 80 latest played games.
A tip from Shaw about the Schliemann defence: “ Learning twenty move forcing variations in a line you will probably meet once every five years is not an intelligent us of time!”
Conclusion: A good work for those who want to learn all the most important key principles of the Ruy Lopez!
A real heavy weight is this impressive study from Joe Gallagher on the Pirc and Modern defence as the Averbakh variaton with 4….Nc6 where black is delaying for some time the development of the knight on f6.
As the author explains in the introduction it can be difficult playing black but it is important to choice a opening that suits your style and if you are willing to go for a risk than there is no better choice than this opening that suits all answers on 1.d4 & 1.e4.
The aim of this book is more for the inexperienced or experience player whose knowledge is limited.
GM Joe Gallagher has kept the whole book in the spirit of back to the basic with an excellent overage of the most important principles but be aware this Pirc/Modern work with it’s 56 games is no easy walk throw because it covers more material about the Pirc than Keene's first book on the Pirc defence.
Conclusion: One of the better starting out books!
Excelling at positional chess by Jacob Aagaard
Everyman Chess
176 pages
Price $ 24.95
ISBN 185744325X
Excelling at positional chess is a exciting follow up from Excelling at chess where the Danish
“Dvoretsky” IM Jacob Aagaard did discuss all the aspects of the game, here in this latest work
the author concentrates more on the positional skills of the player as mistakes ,intuition, weaknesses, positional sacrifices, analysing your game and not to forget exercises!
I found a unbelievable amount of 108 exercises and explanations in this book if we have to believe the author it is important to keep the mind sharp and that is only possible with exercises and than not one hour per day but at least a minimum of three to four sessions of an hour!
Conclusion: Aagaard is very instructive in his explanations and has the unique talent to bring it all so readable on paper but on the other hand you have to go for it!
All together we have here a well presented work that I would consider as highly instructive!
The four Knights by Jan Pinski
Everyman Chess
192 pages
Price $19.95
ISBN 1-85744-311-X
The four knights game was a very popular opening before the first world war but at the 1930 it lost its appeal as masters considered it to be dull and drawish,but in the 1990 it was revived by Nigel Short who utilized it as a surprise weapon against Jonathan Speelman in there 1991 candidates match.
The international master Jan Pinski discusses the whole four knights defence included with the exciting Belgrade variation and some minor lines at the hand of a impressive collection of 99 heavy loaded games.
When we compare the games with the amount of text than I unfortunately must say the games have a lack of instructive text.
The author has made excellent of interesting sources as Bruce Monson interesting written Belgrade gambit and Przedmojski amassing line with 4.Bb5 Bd6 5.g4!? that is not covered in any other chess book before.
Conclusion: A very compressive study!
Winning Openings by Yasser Seirawan
Everyman Chess
257 pages
Price $ 19.95
ISBN 1-85744-349-7
Winning chess openings is a well made introduction from GM Yasser Seirawan in to the world of chess openings with it’s specific principles and basic openings moves where the reader is invited to play and learn all major chess openings and where the aim lays by understanding above memorizing.
The last two chapters of this book cover some useful out the book lines as the Barcza where the author learns you how to build a shelter for your king, once a favourite line from the great Bobby Fisher him self and not to forget some bright ideas from Seirawan on the Pirc defence but please be aware all first opening moves in this book end by ten!
Conclusion: A very instructive work for black who want to start with chess openings because it is really over loaded with excellent openings advises.
Winning Chess Endings by Yasser Seirawan
Everyman Chess
239 pages
Price $ 19.95
ISBN 1-85744-348-9
Yasser Seirawan does not only cover in this compressive work all elementary basic mates but explains nearly every thing that you need to know how to handle a reasonable endgame position as for example a rook game with a extra pawn where some special rook techniques are essential for a good end game knowledge.
Not only you have to test your skills in this book but also have to play like Seirawan when he was sixteen where the author is handling in a outstanding way his rook game from the 1976 American open against the International chess master David Strauss where a victory would give the young chess genius a share of first price.
A other very interesting endgame is the position between Fischer and Taimanov of the candidate quarter finals of Vancouver 1971 where Bobby had a crushing lead over Taimanov having won the first three games here in this game he had the advantage of his beloved bishop, all discussed by the author in a unbelievable readable way!
Unfortunately not covered in this work is Seirawan ever longest game from over the 190 moves against Xu Jun where Seirawan tried to win with queen and two pawns against.queen and pawn but it ended all in a amusing stalemate.
Conclusion :A very enjoyable endgame book!
Winning Chess Brilliancies by Yasser Seirawan
Everyman Chess
257 pages
Price $ 19.95
ISBN 1-85744-347-0
In this work Seirawan the discusses by move to move annotations the twelve best games of the last 25 years, of course it is a matter of taste that a game like Seirawan – Timman belongs between this list of best but I can insure you the annotations from Seirawan in this game are really superb!
Seirawan did awful his best to cover the historical atmosphere of the games and where even some chess heroes from Seirawan are profiled with a short biography.
Conclusion: This book covers one of those game collections where virtually every move is pleasantly explained by words.
The Veresov by Nigel Davies
Everyman Chess
160 pages
Price $ 19.95
ISBN 1-85744-335-7
For all who are searching for a way to avoid tons of chess theory could consider this
repertoire book from GM Nigel Davies on the Veresov opening that runs after the moves 1.d4 Nf6 2.Nc3 and after 2….d5 3.Bg5 Nd7 the author goes for some old recommendations from the great Veresov himself and well the smoothly lines with 4.e3 and 4.Nf3.
But if you wan to surprise your opponent than I would suggest go for ultra violent approach
from Davies with 4.Qd2!?
Unfortunately black can spoil a lot of fun if he transposes into the French with 4…e6 but the author has some nice offbeat surprises for the reader as 5.Qd3 to avoid the heavy loaded lines of the classical French.
Interesting to mention is that after 1.d4 d5 2.Nc3 e6 white can go for 3.Nf3 and if ..Bb4 4.Qd3!? and white has all the the bishop fun!
Conclusion: A very detailed work on the Veresov opening!
Play the Najdorf Scheveningen style by John Emms
Everyman Chess
190 pages
Price $ 19.95
ISBN 1-85744-323-3
A other interesting repertoire book is this latest work from GM Emms who concentrates in this compressive work on all kind of Najdorf variations which are in one or other way related with the Scheveningen set-up, as for example 1.e4 c5 2.Nf3 d6 3.d4 cxd4 4.Nxd4 Nf6 5.Nc3 a6 6.Bg5 e6 where Emms not covers all kind of possibilities than can arise after 7.f4 where Emms decides go for the reliable centre Scheveningen structure whith the good old queen on c7.
Black creates a hedgehog like front which is a solid base for middle game operations where you avoid the more double edged variations that we see normally in the Najdorf with the queen to b6
Conclusion: The material in this book is well explained with a large amount of text and covers an excellent repertoire with a Sicilian set-up after 5…a6 but be aware it stays only a selection favourite lines.
The Marshall attack by Bogdan Lalic
Everyman Chess
176 pages
Price $ 19.95
When I open-end this book I was quits excited but it disappeared completely when I went throw the classic lines of the Marshall attack here I had the feeling that I could close the book directly because there is really nothing new.
If the author would have given only one interesting line as the Slovenian pawn push with 14.g3 Qh3 15.Be3 Bg4 16.Qd3 f5 17.f4 g5 18.Qf1 Qh5 19.Nd2 h6!? Than he would have something of interest but I don’t understand why Lalic not concentrate on Harding’s latest Marshall CD{The total Marshall CD from Harding,Vitomskis & Bennedik 2002} in place of older publications as Anand’s out of date Chess Informant monograph?
Better written are the modern lines with 15.Re4 and the anti-Marshall lines, special Lalic’s 8.d4!?is worth trying but all together this work does not reach the level of a real Marshall book.
Conclusion: Sorry no recommendation!
The Grünfeld defence by Michael Khodarkovsky
Batsford Ltd, London
174 pages
Price $ 21.95
A new line openings book from the Batsford based on the dynamic Grünfeld defence covered by Garry Kasparov great friend IM Michael Khodarkovsky.
The author has chosen in this book for the most important key principle above latest developments, even that there is a chapter with “What’s Hot” where Khodarkovsky is featuring the modern exchange & Fianchetto variation at the hand of some latest games from Kasparov and Smirin.
But the whole book starts literally with first steps marches slowly throw some analysed games of players who have enriched the theory of this opening and ends with trips and traps to demonstrate where a unlucky player can fall in.
To see if you have learned something from these games it is even possible to some exercises
and if that is all not enough you could try to find at the end of this book your way throw a labyrinth of games which is not a easy task because there is no index in this work at all!
Conclusion: This book is quite simpler as the studies from Bogdan Lalic The Grúnfeld for the attacking player {Batsford} & Understanding the Grünfeld from Jonathan Rowson {Gambit}, but would prefer one of these two above this to expensive work from Khodarkovsky!
Chess Strategy by Eduard Gufeld & Nikolai Kalienchenko
Batsford Ltd, London
272 pages
Price $ 24.95
ISBN 0-7134-8775-5
Chess strategy from the late Eduard Gufeld and co assistant Nikolai Kalienchenko is a very enjoyable invitation in the world of chess strategy written by a very prolific chess writer who belonged to one of the few which could explain difficult subjects in a very easy way of understanding.
The material is this work is pleasantly divided in to four major parts and well as General Strategy, Opening Strategy, Middle game Strategy and Endgame Strategy where the reader is invited to the world of chess strategy with it’s so specific basic themes as for example exchanges of dissimilar material and classification of sacrifices that was first demonstrated
by Spielmann in his famous book The Art of Sacrifice in Chess {1935} where Spielmann divides all possible sacrifices into two main broad classes and well pseudo sacrifice and genuine sacrifices. Both authors don’t only concentrate on these earlier evolutions but continue pleasantly in this book with some smashing Kasparov attacks.
Creative are the large amount of gambits that I found in this book some as for example the Centre,Morra,Danish,Urusov,Muzio Polerio,Nimzowitsch Counter,Benko and Kasparov gambit!
Conclusion: This entertaining book will certainly help you to develop your understanding of modern chess strategy!
Leko’s One Hundred Wins by Sergei Soloviov
Chess Stars
339 pages,
£17.99 (Softback),
£19.99 Hardback
ISBN 954-8782-31-6
A nice follow up from Shirov’s one hundred wins is this exciting chess biography from the chess prodigy Peter Leko who was than at the age of 14 the youngest Grandmaster in history.
Even that the level of top chess is getting younger and younger Peter Leko was passed as the ever youngest grandmaster by the twelve year old Sergey Karjakin from the Ukraine,but probably the most attention that anyone received for breaking the youngest ever grandmaster title came from Bobby Fischer who was 15 years six months and one day old at the end of the Portoroz Interzonal tournament of 1958.
Peter Leko is still a unbelievable young player and when you see the title of the first chapter in this book with “The Long and Winding Road”it is difficult to imagine that the so talented chess genius is still only 24 years old.
Leko’s one hundred wins is a amassing collection wins not only he is one of the few top players in the world who prefer to play 1.e4 but above all his games are lovely complicated and he does not belong for nothing to one of the strongest theoreticians in the world!
In these hundred games I found four outstanding wins against Adams, five against Kramnik and even eight against the amassing chess artist Topalov.
Special his game of Dortmund 1999 where Leko goes for his pet line of the classical Spanish with 4….Bc5 a opening that was occasionally played by Alekhine but has been brought back in to daylight by considerable theoretical input from Leko and many of his ideas can be found in this magnificent game collection but the reader shall also discover that Leko is a player with superlative defence and endgame skills.{Please see game 98 Leko – Anand Linares 2003,a game that is also covered in Marin’s new book defending difficult endings! }
Included in this book are a excellent collection of 15 high class photographs.
Conclusion: Sergei Soloviov has managed to compile a highly instructive game collection over filled with superb notes!
Secrets of chess defences by Michail Marin
Gambit Publications Ltd.
176 pages
Price $ 24.95
ISBN 1-901983-91-9
There are many books about attacks but good resourceful defensive play is also a vital ingredient that must be learned and in this first book from GM Michail Marin the reader is invited to study a selection important characteristic defensive elements, as for example chapter 10 with it’s magic queen sacrifices where the queen is exchanges for a amount of around nine pawns,
But as we can learn from the very instructive game Komliakov – Nisipeanu the psychological aspects from slipping from a winning position into a loosing one can be done in no time,but funny enough this incredible game was played on Friday 13th.
The included material {11 pages}from this chapter is not overwhelmed with dreadful long analyses no it is enjoyable written with a pleasant amount of text and explanations.
Till 1989 the author was not impressed by the great Petrosian but it changes very quick as the author explains honestly in these pages “I was deeply impressed by Petrosian’s ease in solving the most complicated problems by means of an exchange sacrifice as well as by the frequency of these special moments throughout his career.
My own playing style came under such a powerful influence that soon I managed to sacrifice the exchange in no fewer than six games in a row!
Included throw this book are besides the advises and basic principles of defence a large amount of instructive exercises as the famous position between Reshevsky – Petrosian Zurich 1953 which was Petrosian’s first appearance in a super tournaments at the famed Candidate tournament of 1953.
To find the memorial move 25….Re6 of all time you have to play around in this position and maybe you even have the same experience as the author ”In the diagrammed position I had a rather long think, when finally the right idea came to me, I was invaded by joy: the move is so simple that you shouldn’t doubt it. You need only cross the psychological barrier to put the rook under the bishop’s attack.”
Conclusion: A outstanding book on how to defend in chess!
{And a excellent follow up from Secrets of Positional chess by Drazen Marovic!}
How to use computers to improve your chess by Christian Kongsted
Gambit Publications Ltd.
192 pages
Price $ 22.95
ISBN 1-904600-02
Christian Kongsted is a strong correspondence chess player who managed to create in no time a impressive ICCF rating of 2510,the first thought is of course this man must be a smart computer playing correspondence chess player with one or super machine but no not at all, this creative man knows as no other to make advantage of computers as for example his anti computer strategies which are covered in this interesting made computer book under the title How to beat the computer.
L van Wely already showed us in his games against Rebel Century that a set up with the Stonewall attack is probably one of the most successful opening strategies that you can go for against a computer.
In chapter six Computer assisted analyses the author even digs further in computer assisted analysis as Deep position analysis, where it is interesting to mention that the so called infinite analysis does not solve the horizon problem even if you leave the computer on for a very long time. General speaking it is a rule that a computer needs 3 times more time to go 1 ply deeper.
Thus if your program has used three hours to reach ply 14 it will display the next line when it reaches ply 15 approximately nine hours, analysing to ply 17 around 81 hours etc.
The authors describes in this work all facets in a very readable way as The history of computer chess, Inside the machine, The blind spots of the computer, How to beat your computer, Hardware Software and databases, Computer assisted analyses, Improving your opening play, Improve your tactics, Improve your endgame technique, Playing chess on the Internet and at last Computer chess in the future.
Included is impressive bibliography about computer chess & chess in general
plus a interesting collection bookmarks on Internet.
Conclusion: A very pleasant to read computer book that is over filled with useful advises!
Chess tactics for Kids by Murray Chandler
Gambit Publications Ltd.
128 pages
Price $14.95
ISBN 1-901983-99-4
In Hardcover!
The fine made illustrations throw this book come from Cindy McCluskey.
A nice follow up from How to beat your dad at chess is this complementary work from GM Murray Chandler on chess tactics for kids based on all kind of tactical combinations and important check mating patterns where the junior and home player is invited to solve all kind of tactical forks and tricky pins.
The collection 50 tricky tactics chapters are dealing with all kind of instructive manoeuvres as for example with it’s kamikaze queen and rampant rook pin where the reader is entering the twilight zone with it’s astounding suicidal stalemate missions.
After you have worked throw all these 50 tricky tactic lines which are all together good for exactly 300 different but highly instructive tactical manoeuvres you can try to test your skills on the 54 test positions taken from tournament games and featuring the motifs covered in this book.
Conclusion: A very enjoyable work on tactical manoeuvres and tricky pins!
Chess Informant issue 87
380 pages
Price GBP 18.00
This latest Chess Informant is good for a selection of 493 games and where you also shall find 433 variations to these games, all played between February and May of this year.
For example you shall find here the match games Deep Junior Kasparov all analysed
by Kasparov him self!}
But there is more as the ten best games and ten most important novelties from Chess Informant 86, a excellent made theoretical survey {B33 from the game Anand – Kasimdzhanov Hyderabad 86/137 analysed by Bjelajac}selection combinations and endings from recent tournament practice, tournament, cross tables and the best from the great Bent Larsen.
It is astounding to see how easy Speelman is out played by Larsen in New York 1990 but the endgame position between Larsen & Browne of Las Palmas belongs to one of the best in chess.
Conclusion: A must for every ambitious chess player!
Chess Video’s
The Knockout Nimzo by Tony Kosten
Bad Bishop LTD
P O Box 32699
London W14 OJH
Price $ 29.95
In this latest Bad Bishop video tape we are able to follow GM Tony Kosten analysing a selection repertoire lines against the so reliable Nimzo-Indian defence.
Even that there are only “100”minutes on this tape I was impressed how much information that Kosten could compress in these magnetic files!
The whole repertoire line is explained at the hand of fourteen well filled games that are explained by the author in a very pleasant way of understanding .Kosten is ambitious as you not only can see with his summary and of course his excellent annotations to the games but above all he is one of the greatest experts on the Nimzo – Indian defence!
Conclusion: A very instructive video tape!
Chess CD's
Chess Informant CD issue 86
Price GBP 18.00
A electronic version of the Chess Informant packed in the free lite version of the Chess Informant expert or the older Chess Informant reader version 2.1.
It does everything what you expect from it as PGN editing and importing but unfortunately no exporting in to your own data base program is possible.
The program is specially designed to display chess Informants and there trade mark sections.
As free supplement you get all games from Informant 86 but than without annotations!!
Conclusion: Nice working but it is a stand alone program and specially made to read all Informator and other ECO publications.
Chess Magazines
British Chess Magazine No. 8
Volume 123
August 2003
Price: £3.25
This issue starts with a obituary to the most famous chess historian in the world the great Ken Whyld {6-3-1926 – 2-8-2003) who passed tragically away after a deadly hart attack.
Ken produced over 25 years many books and various contributions as his famous Quotes and Queries column, but he will be mostly remembered by his master work The Oxford Companion to Chess co-written with David Hooper.
In this issue there is excellent written article on Ken Whyld written by John Saunders & Bernard Cafferty but also Ken last contribution on Quotes and Queries can be found.
Others are: Enghien Les Bains where the French spa town played host to a strong international tournament. Adams and Bareev jousted for the lead but the Russian edged out the English Grandmaster.{The reader shall find here between the selection game two in detail analysed games from the amassing Kavalex and well Adams – Radjabov and Bareev – Fressinet!}
4TH European Championship,The Art of chess,Kavalex file, Problem world, Reviews and new books,Fide ratings July 2003 etc.
Conclusion: A excellent written issue!