Latest book reviews of 1 January 2005
BOOKS REVIEWS BY JOHN ELBURG.Wilhelminalaan 33John Elburg
The Netherlands.
Chess Books
303 tricky chess puzzles by Fred Wilson & Bruce Alberston
Cardoza Publishing
192 pages
Price $ 12.95
ISBN 1-58042-144-x
202 Checkmates for children by Fred Wilson & Bruce Alberston
Cardoza Publishing
192 pages
Price $ 9.95
ISBN 1-58042-141-5
303 tricky chess puzzles by Fred Wilson & Bruce Alberston is quite a impressive tactic collection but what I don’t like in chess books when authors don’t give any references to the games and these two gentleman are the champions of no references to games.
A little different is the book 202 checkmates which are even for children to simple,and the example game from Bruce Alberston with 1.e4 e5 2.Nf3 Nc6 3.Nc3 Nf6 4.Bb5 Bb4 5.0-0 0-0 6.d3 d6 7.Bg5 Bg4 8.Nd5 Nd4 9.Nxb4 Nxb5 10.Nd5 Nd4 11.Qd2 Bxf3 12.Bxf6 Qd7??? And than with no explanation is to stupid for words.
Conclusion: Sorry no recommendation!
My great predecessors Part IV by Garry Kasparov
On Fischer
Everyman Chess
496 pages!!
Price $ 30,-
ISBN 1-85744-395-0
The subject of part four of “My Great Predecessors” goes to four great chess players starting with the legendary Samuel Reshevsky,{1911-92}followed by Miguel Najdorf {1910-1997},Bent Larsen {born 4 march 1935} and the most famous chess player of all time the great Bobby Fischer {born 1943} who is tragically enough at this moment arrested in Japan and waiting for his deportation to a American prison.
Or can the Iceland's Foreign Minister, David Oddsson safe him on time?
Garry Kasparov has divided over 180 pages of this book and 56 deeply annotated games {from the 106 complete games in this book} to the greatest chess genius of all time.
At this moment Fischer has lost his glance but when you open this book you meet the real chess hero Fischer with his so outstanding play that fascinated millions of people all over the world.
Included in this book are his famous candidate wins again Larsen 1st & 2nd match game, Fischer – Petrosian Buenos Aires 1971 and the of course the famous world championship match with Spassky who many chess players consider as the chess match of the century.
When I compare the analyses from the match with for example the 2002 reprint from Max Euwe & Jan Timman, Fischer World Champion! {New in Chess}game 10 with the idea after 29…Rad8 than it is clear Kasparov’s analyses are truly superb!
Included in this book is a lot of extra background information on Fischer as his famous telephone conversation with President Nixon.
Conclusion: A outstanding work!
Chess CD's
The wonderful world of chess
Price € 30.00
The wonderful world of chess is no real database CD even there are over 10.000 games on it, is at first place made a read CD simple by navigating throw all kinds of HTML and PDF files.
There six major sections on this CD are Culture, Games, Kibitzer, Learning Magazine and extra’s, for example section Culture is under divided in six other divisions as Intro, Outline {this contribution is chiefly about the world championship says Harding but it is unbelievable what I found here first: mini history {with early modern Renaissance chess, Philidor and his successors, the great chess book approx 1820 – 1850, the era of Anderssen Morphy and the early tournaments, the era of Steinitz, Lasker, and Capablanca, Post-1939 and the Soviet School, Fischer and the fight back of the west and the split in the chess world championship again with many hyperlinks articles and interesting photo’s.
Personal I enjoyed here Mr. Blackburne’s games at chess, the light and lustre of chess and George Walker’s visit to the Café de la Regence in the year 1838.
Café Regence does not exists anymore but funny enough I get regular e-mails from chess tourists in Paris who wants to visit it!
A other wonderful section is The Kibitzer, a monthly column from Hanon Russell’s website The Chess Café where you shall find on this CD the first 100 “Kibitzers”.{ Harding’s interview with Hanon Russell MP3 is included to but than under extras as the full text of Harding’s 1996 book Winning at Correspondence Chess!
Also included is of course The Chess Mail magazine with all issues in PDF till the end of 2003 and that is nearly seven year ChessMail magazine!
This all and more is available for only 30 Euro!
Conclusion: A unbelievable read!
Price € 154.90
Upgrade from ChessBase 7 or 8 € 99.90
Where a registration no. is required.
System recommendations:
Windows XP or better, 256 MB RAM, 1 GHz or better. New graphics adapter for a fast 3D board.
Windows Media Player 9.0 for ChessMedia System.
Required: Windows 98, Internet-Explorer 6, DVD-ROM drive, 64 MB RAM, 300 MHz.
This CB9 DVD comes with a players base from around 20.000 pictures [Where I for example found 149 pictures from Kasparov and 71 from Kortschnoj!} and the large 2,600,000 big ChessBase from 2004 and some multimedia files takes from the well known ChessBase magazines.
The list from improvements is impressive and not only chess professionals shall like these advanced features as: hyper threading support with integrated player index,a source index, annotator index and team Index, a new opening key layout, automatic opening reference ,new heuristic move assistant {a build in chess engine with a own openings book!}, game history where you simple can see what you have done the last weeks and a brand new 3D realistic chess board,chess media system where you can load teaching videos with synchronized chessboards, a improved search for text search in headers, 6-men endgames etc.
ChessBase 9 is now able to sort games into a key without making any errors nice is also the improved search with information of every possible line, also search history is very impressive with one click of your mouse you can see what you have done the last months.
On the left bottom there is icon with a so called integrated client for access to the ChessBase web server.
Pleasant to mention for the user is the improved presentation of game overview in multiple diagrams.
New for correspondence players is the numeric correspondence notation and correspondence management in game lists but also improved is the cooperation with Outlook for e-mail correspondence games so there is no problem to send your e-mail games without any writing errors.
Chessbase can use a variety of commercial engines for analyses where the support of winboard engines is included but the extra engines that come with this package Fritz 5.32 and Crafty are not very impressive and I can imagine that ChessBase does not want to send there latest engines but Fritz 6 or 7 would have been a muvh better alternative.
I tested ChessBase 9.0 first on a old 1000 mhz machine that was running under Windows 98 which gave quite some error messages {Run time error 21921 and restart program} and sometimes I even had to restart my computer but on my Window XP note book I had no problems at all but as with ChessBase 7 & 8 I am sure there will come soon a update to correct all necessarily patches.
Included is small hand manual from 14 pages to help you to work throw with CB9 but I all those who need a little explanations there is on the latest ChessBase magazine a small video course how to get started with ChessBase 9.
The chief software engineer Matthias Wüllenweber run throw the most important functions of this program with you and for all who want more there are the Internet lessons from for the database expert Steve Lopez.
Conclusion: A very professional made database program!
Junior 9
Price €49.99
Systems requirements: Pentium PC32, MB RAM,Windows 98,ME,XP,2000,CD Rom Drive, mouse.
For many years the Junior engines from the Israeli an Amir Ban and Shay Bushinsky belong to one of my favourite chess engines because they give such an excellent performances in complicated positions.
My first impression with this new release of Junior 9 is his improved search and evaluation functions but above all I love Junior’s way of holding the initiative.
Usually when a chess engine is a pawn behind and has there for a advantage in development it has great problems to evaluate these kind of positions but some way Amir Ban and Shay Bushinsky have found a way to create a small silicon chess monster.
Playing around with Junior9 you get the feeling that it tries constantly to explore the limits of his compensation but on the other hand has sometimes more difficulties in objectivity but usually it is more a problem a technical problem of horizon expanding.
This year Junior9 has become the 2004 computer world chess champion and that is someway very surprising that Junior9 has won from the more ‘objective ‘engines as Shredder & Fritz.
When I analysed the following position with Junior 9 1.e4 e6 2.d4 d5 3.Nd2 dxe4 4.Nxe4 Nd7 5.Nf3 Ngf6 6.Bd3 Be7 7.Nxf6+ Nxf6 8.Bg5 c5 9.dxc5 Qa5+ 10.c3 Qxc5 11.Qe2 Bd7 12.Ne5 Bc6 13.0-0-0 0-0 14.Rhe1 Rad8 15.f4 Nd5 16.Bxe7 Qxe7 17.g3 Qc5 18.h4 Nb4 19.Bc4 Nd5 20.Bb3 a5 21.Bc2 Junior 9 wants to play 21…Nf6 and the older Junior8 21… Nxc3!? so a first impression is clearly that Junior8 has become wiser more or did Amir Ban remove some sharp sides to beat all the other chess engines in the recent world computer chess championship?
There for is it all ways very advisable when you are analysing chess positions to switch between engines and ChessBase offers the user a selection of top strength engines.
Included on this CD is a one hour multimedia interview with the bright Amir Ban who is not only a famous pioneer on flash memory technology but explains in this one-hour interview how his Junior works.
Junior9 come with a impressive database from over 511873 games and a openings book from over 260 MB.
As Fritz 8 Junior 9 comes with a fantastic 3 D realistic chess board and access to the ChessBase web server etc.
A small hand manual of 20 pages is included!
Conclusion: A very impressive chess program!
Mega Database 2005
Price € 149.90
Systems requirements: ChessBase 7,8, or 9 and from on Fritz7.
The 2005 Mega Database comes with a impressive database file from 2904170 games {that are over 2.9 million games!} where a around 54485 games carry excellent annotations.
If we compare it with the 2004 Mega Data base files than the 2005 is increased with more than 300.000 new games and 2848 new annotations.
Included on this 2005 Mega Data base is a extra database {Top Datatbase} with a extra 60.000 games of selected tournaments {created for special training purposes} where I found a extra 2873 annotated games and that makes all together over 57.350 annotated games on this well filled DVD!
Useful is the new openings Key the Big Key 2005 created by the German opening’s expert Joachim Zunke who has worked over years on this key project.
The openings key is not only based on the system of the Chess Informant but it contains also many pointers to tricky transpositions etc.
Eye catching is the Play base {players index} which covers now over 180.000 pictures and 470 MB of your hard disk.
Included is the new ChessBase reader which can read all these Mega Database games!
The new price is very high but a upgrade
Conclusion: The Rolls Royce of the databases!
How to play the Queen’s Gambit by Garry Kasparov
Mr.Kasparov series no1
Price 29.99
System requirements: PC minimum 233 Mhz and 32 MB RAM ,recommended 1 Ghz 256 MB DVD drive,Windows 98 SE,ME,2000, or XP,Sound card,Windows Media player 9 or higher.
The great Garry Kasparov does not only explain you in this DVD opening course {I simple used my DVD player! Where it is possible if you have difficulties with Garry his English to use subtitles in the languages English,German,Spanish and Italian.}a completed over view of the Queens gambit also covers a lot of he interesting back ground experiences from his own {Queen’sGambit} opening practise.
Personal I think it is very unique that ChessBase made it possible to get for a small 30 Euro a complete openings lecture from one of the greatest chess players of all time.
Even not Queen’s Gambit players can have a lot of advantage from Garry’s wise advises on important opening and middle game strategies, where Garry’s lectures are divided in 20 different lectures based on film material from Kasparov and Fritz Chess board. Where the following items are discussed : Talking about Queen‘s Gambit 8:28 min, Possible deviations 10:50 min, Lasker defence 16:03 min, Capablanca‘s approach 19:32 min, Carlsbad structure 18:45 min, Alatorsev variation 13:10 min, Steinitz and 5.Bf4 19:39 min, Tartakower system 14:51 min, 5...h6 - a big nuance 13:02 min, Look at some games 1:17 min, Steinitz - Lasker 4:17 min, Rubinstein - Salwe 10:14 min, Capablanca - Alekhine 7:45 min, Kasparov - Andersson 4:45 min, Kasparov - Short 4:02 min, Alekhine - Lasker 3:55 min, Beliavsky - Geller 5:39 min, Kortschnoj - Karpov 12:18 min, Kortschnoj - Karpov 2 8:24 min and Résumé 3:55 min.
Sometimes Garry is to fast with explaining and new comers could have problems with following him {for example his game with Short}
but I would suggest simple play these positions over and over again!
Conclusion: Highly recommended!
The ABC of the King’s Indian by Andrew Martin
Fritz trainer opening
Price € 24.99
System requirements: PC 233, 64 MB RAM,DVD Rom,sound card,Windows XP,2000,Me,98 SE,Windows Media player 9.
The famous English chess coach and IM Anrew Martin explains you in a small four hours the first secrets and most important strategies of the King’s Indian defence all at the hand of fourteen complete games filled on with a large amount of Martin’s own analyses and suggestions.First to the material which is divided in: Introduction 02:32 min, Ljukmanov vs. Martin 21:10 min, Ljukmanov vs. Martin solution 00:38 min, Martin vs. Buckley 20:27 min, Classical games intro and Donner-Gligoric 18:49 min; Kortschnoj vs. Fischer 13:09 min, Ftacnik vs. Cvitan 09:44 min, Summerscale vs. Hebden 14:58 min, Vitiugov vs. Khismatullin 14:21 min, 3rd Chapter: 4 pawns attack intro and Daces-Mrdja 11:43 min, Sämisch variation intro and Karpov-Kasparov 13:06 min, Platonov vs. Shamkovitch 08:23 min, Some thoughts on 6. ...c5 06:57 min, Analysis against 6. Bg5 07:25 min, Fianchetto intro Mattonen-Vooremaa 09:28 min, Burmakin vs. Morozevich 09:35 min, Systems with an early Bg5 intro and Schandorff-Nataf 14:15 min, Averbakh 6 ... Na6 analysis 05:47 min, Chernin vs. Cebalo 11:38 min, Other white systems intro and Behrmann-Tartar 08:38 min Williams vs. Gallagher 08:27 min and at last chapter 8 Closing remarks 02:11 min.
Unfortunately the DVD did not work in my DVD player but did it’s job perfectly in my computer's DVD player.
Conclusion: A very useful work to get involved with the King’s Indian defence.
Right decisions by Jacob Aagaard & Esben Lund
Price € 24.99
To make the write decision in chess is not a easy task but this latest CD from the famous Danish chess teacher Jacob Aagaard and companion Esben Lund can certainly help you to mix calculation with evaluation.
I found around 200 game fragments on this CD divided in the following subjects Seeing exercises,Studies final, Pawn endings, Playing positions and Positions for calculations.
Some way this CD is a parallel from Aagaard his book Excelling at positional Chess.
It is important to concentrate careful on these positions and take the time to find the correct solution.
I must admit they are all not so easy but the two teachers are very patient and do awful there best to make a high quality chess product.
Conclusion: Very didatic!
ChessBase magazine issue 103
ISSN 1432-8992
Price Euro 19,90 per issue
Annual subscription costs Euro 99,70
ChessBase magazine issue 103 comes with a well filled file from 1401 entries where you shall find four text reports and around 400 excellent annotated games. When you click on Category ChessBase 9 sorts the strongest tournaments on the top but on the first place I would buy this CD for the world championship match and included Brissago 2004 multimedia files which run now perfect synchronised in ChessBase 9.{17 files and good for 518 MB of this CD!}
{ChessBase has switched over to the windows media video format the so called {WMV}
No ChessBase 9? than it is no problem simple use the new included ChessBase 9 reader which even has a Fritz analyses module and access to the zone.
A other top file on this CD are the two include correspondence chess files {ICCF & IECG} which are all together good for over the 4000 high class correspondence chess games.
Useful to mention is the link page from Roberto Alvarez & Juan Morgado where you can play e-mail chess for free.
Besides the six theory files: B33 from GM Rogozenko {1.e4 c5 2.Nf3 Nc6 3.d4 cxd4 4.Nxd4 Nf6 5.Nc3 e6 6.Ndb5 d6 7.Bf4 e5 8.Bg5 a6 9.Na3 b5 10.Bxf6 gxf6 11.Nd5 f5 12.Bd3 Be6 13.Qh5 Bg7 14.0-0},B46 from GM Ribli {1.d4 Nf6 2.c4 e6 3.Nf3 b6 4.g3 Ba6 5.Nbd2 Bb4 6.Qc2 Bb7 7.Bg2 c5 8.dxc5 Bxc5 9.0-0}, B85 by GM Gavriko {1.e4 c5 2.Nf3 Nc6 3.d4 cxd4 4.Nxd4 Nf6 5.Nc3 d6 6.Be2 e6 7.0-0 a6 8.Be3 Qc7 9.f4 Be7 10.a4 0-0 11.Kh1 Re8} C40 Elephant gambit by the gambit expert Peter Leisebein, C45 by GM Post {1.e4 e5 2.Nf3 Nc6 3.d4 exd4 4.Nxd4 Bc5 5.Nxc6 Qf6 6.Qd2 dxc6 7.Nc3 Bd4} which was first played in 1995! E15 by GM Gershon {1.d4 Nf6 2.c4 e6 3.Nf3 b6 4.g3 Ba6 5.Nbd2 Bb4 6.Qc2 Bb7}
And at last the good old King’s Indian with the famous for pawn attack where the black night moves so quick as possible to 6…Na6 all serious explained by German theoretic Jerzey Konikowski.{ 1.d4 Nf6 2.c4 g6 3.Nc3 Bg7 4.e4 d6 5.f4 0-0 6.Nf3 Na6}
There are contributions from Peter Wells Strategy, Karsten Müller Endgame is temoraliy replaced by GM Marin and what he is doing on bishops is impressive: Harikrishna,Penteala (2609) - Mohota,Nisha (2331) [E06] Abu Dhabi op 14th Abu Dhabi (1), 14.08.2004
[Mihail Marin]
1.d4 d5 2.c4 e6 3.Nf3 Nf6 4.g3 Be7 5.Bg2 0-0 6.Qc2 c5 7.0-0 cxd4 8.Nxd4 Nc6 9.Nxc6 bxc6 10.b3 Ba6 11.Nd2 Rc8 12.Bb2 Qa5 13.Rfd1 Qb6 14.e3 Rfd8 15.Rac1 Bc5 16.Nf3 Ne4 17.Bd4 h6 18.Ne5 Bxd4 19.exd4 Nf6 20.c5 Qb8 21.Re1 Nd7 22.Qd2 Nxe5 23.Rxe5 Rc7 24.Rce1 Qb5 25.g4 Qb8 26.h4 Bc8 27.g5 hxg5 28.hxg5 f6 29.R5e3 fxg5 30.Rg3 Rf7 31.Re5 Qc7 32.Rexg5 Rdf8 33.Bf1 Rxf2 34.Rxg7+ Qxg7 35.Qxf2 Rxf2 36.Kxf2 a5 37.a3 Kf7 38.Rxg7+ Kxg7 39.Ke3 Kf6 40.Kf4 Bb7 Apparently, White should win easily. He can combine several threats such as attacking the c6- and e6-pawns, create a queen side passed pawn or penetrate with the king via e5-d6. And yet, the reduced number of pawns left on board and the fact that play takes part on only one wing make things less simple than that. For the moment, one thing is clear: Black should not allow the enemy king to occupy the e5-square. Therefore, with a few exceptions, his own king is not allowed to move away from f6. Most of the variations presented below were analyzed together with Dieter Nisipeanu and Vladislav Nevednichy during the free day of the 2004 Olympiad in Calvia, Mallorca.
Scheinbar sollte Weiß leicht gewinnen. Er kann mehrere Drohungen kombinieren, zum Beispiel den Angriff auf die Bauern c6 und e6, die Bildung eines Freibauern am Damenflügel oder das Eindringen des Königs über e5-d6. Und dennoch, durch die reduzierte Anzahl von verbliebenen Bauern auf dem Brett und die Tatsache, dass sich das Geschehen nur an einem Flügel abspielt, gestaltet sich die Lage weniger einfach. Für den Moment ist eines klar: Schwarz sollte nicht zulassen, dass der feindliche König das Feld e5 besetzt. Daher darf sein eigener König, mit einigen wenigen Ausnahmen, nicht von f6 wegziehen.
Die meisten der unten präsentierten Varianten wurden gemeinsam mit Dieter Nisipeanu und Vladislav Nevednichy analyisiert, am freien Tag der Olympiade 2004 in Calvia, Malloraca. 41.b4 [41.a4 Bc8 (41...Ba8? 42.Ba6+-) 42.Be2 (42.Bd3 Bb7 43.b4 axb4 44.a5 b3 45.a6 Bc8 (45...Ba8?+-) 46.Ke3 e5„; 42...Bb7 (42...Bd7 43.Ba6! Be8 44.Bc8+-) 43.Bb5!? (Nisipeanu) 43...cxb5 44.axb5 Kf7! (44...Ke7? 45.Ke5 Bc8 46.c6‡+-) 45.Ke5 Ke7 46.c6 Ba8! ‡(46...Bc8 47.b6+-) ;
41.Bd3 Bc8 42.Be2 Bb7 (42...Bd7 43.Ba6 Be8 44.Bc8 Bh5 45.Bd7 Bd1 46.Bxc6 Bxb3 47.Bb7 Ke7™ 48.Ke5+-) 43.Bh5 Bc8 44.Be8 Bb7 45.a4 Ke7] 41...axb4 42.axb4 Bc8 [42...Kf7? 43.Ke5 Ke7 44.b5 Ba8 (As we shall see below in the main line, Black should maintain the control of the c6-square, but here, after the premature king retreat, this doesn't guarantee a draw). 45.b6 The huge advantage of space on both wings is decisive. (45.bxc6!? is also winning here: 45...Bxc6 46.Bh3 Bd7 (Black has no time to reach the fortress indicated in the notes to the game's 45th move) 47.Bg4‡ Bc8 48.c6‡) 45...Bb7 46.Bh3 Bc8 47.Bxe6 Bb7™ (47...Ba6? 48.Bxd5 cxd5 49.Kxd5+- The white pawns are too far advanced.) 48.Bh3 After winning the e6-pawn, White wins by combining the threats of promoting the b-pawn and to sacrifice the bishop on d5. Black will soon get into zugzwang. 48...Ba6 (48...Ba8 49.Bc8) 49.Bg4 Bb7 50.Be6‡ Ba6 (50...Ba8 51.Bc8+-; 50...Kd8 51.Kd6+-) 51.Bxd5+-] 43.b5 Bd7! [43...cxb5 44.Bxb5 Bb7 (44...Ke7 45.Ke5) 45.c6 (45.Bd7 Ba6 46.c6 Bb5) 45...Bc8 46.Bf1! (46.c7 e5+ 47.dxe5+ Ke6) 46...e5+ (46...Ke7 47.Ke5+-) 47.dxe5+ Ke7 (47...Ke6 48.Bh3+) 48.Ke3+-] 44.bxc6 [44.b6 Bc8 45.Bb5 Bb7 46.Ba4 Ba8 47.Bd1 Bb7 48.Be2 Bc8 49.Ke3 (49.Bg4 Bb7 50.Bh5 Bc8 51.Be8 Bb7) 49...e5„] 44...Bxc6 45.Ba6 Apparently, Black is in zugzwang, since he has to either release the blockade of the c6-square or allow the enemy king occupy the key e5-square. 45...Kf7? The decisive mistake. Black hopes that by winning the opposition he will be able to resist. [While analyzing with Nisipeanu and Nevednichy, we believed that Black should play 45...e5+ in order to deny the king's accss to e5. And yet, in the meanwhile I discovered that this is not a solution. 46.dxe5+ Ke6 47.Bc8+ Ke7 48.Ke3 Kf7 49.Kd4 In order to win this ending, White should combine threats from both sides. He should also refrain from advancing his e-pawn too soon, since this would make it vulnerable.
Um dieses Endspiel zu gewinnen, sollte Weiß Drohungen von beiden Seiten kombinieren. Ebenfalls sollte er sich hüten, seinen e-Bauern zu schnell vorzurücken, da dieser dadurch anfällig werden würde. 49...Ke7 50.Kc3 (50.Bf5 Kf7 51.Bd3 Ke6 52.Bh7 Kf7!) 50...Kd8 51.Be6 Ke7 52.Bf5 (52.Bg8 Kf8 53.Bh7 Ke7) 52...Kd8 53.Kb4 Bb7 (53...Kc7 54.Be6 Kb7 (54...Kd8 55.Bg8 Ke7 56.Ka5!) 55.Kc3!+- transposes to B mit Übergang zu B; 54.Kb5 Kc7 55.Be6 (55.e6!?) 55...Bc6+ 56.Kb4 Kd8 57.Bg8! Ke7 58.Ka5 d4 (The only possible counterplay) Das einzig mögliche Gegenspiel. 59.Kb6 Bd7 (59...Bf3 60.c6 d3 61.c7 Bg4 transposes ist Zugumstellung; ; 59...Be4 60.c6 d3 61.c7 Bf5 62.Bh7!+-) 60.c6 Bg4 (60...Bc8 61.Bc4+-; 60...d3 61.cxd7 Kxd7 62.Kc5 d2 63.Bb3) 61.Bc4 (61.e6 d3 62.c7 d2 63.c8Q d1Q 64.Qc7+ Kf6 65.Qf4+ Bf5=) 61...d3 62.Bxd3 Ke6 63.c7 Kxe5 64.Kb7 Kd6 65.Kb8 Kc5 66.Ba6 Kb6 67.Bc8 Be2 68.Bh3 Ba6 69.Bg2‡+-; And yet, Black could have obtained a draw. 45...Ke7 After exchanging a considerable number of pawns, Black can finally allow the enemy king step to e5, but should aim for a remarkable fortress. 46.Ke5 Kd7 47.Be2 Ba4 48.Bg4 Kc6 49.Bxe6 Bb3 This position was analyzed by Averbakh in 1954. White cannot win. It is curious that by shifting the position one file to the left or to the right the result would change to White's favour. See the positions Averbakh 1 and Averbakh 2.;
In fact, this is not the only possible move order. Black can also start with 45...Be8 46.Bb7 and only now 46...Ke7 47.Ke5 Kd7™ 48.Ba6 Bh5 (Defending the pawn too obstinately with 48...Bf7 49.Bb5+ Kc7 50.Kf6 Bg8? would lead to disaster after 51.Bd3) 49.Bb5+ Kc7 (49...Ke7? 50.c6+-) 50.Kxe6 Bf3 Reaching another drawn ending, also analyzed by Averbakh.;
To similar positions would also lead 45...Ba4 ] 46.Ke5+- Ke7 47.Bc8 Bd7 48.Bxd7 Kxd7 49.Kf6 1-0
Tactics from Valery Atlas,Fritz forum and a interesting contribution from the German Johannes Fischer on the second international chess tournament of Vienna 1882{Încluded are over all the 300 games!}
Also there is on this CD is a instructive video file how to work with ChessBasse 9.0 updates and a small manual of 27 pages.
Conclusion: More important than any printed yearbook!
Chess Magazine's
British Chess Magazine No.12
Volume 124
January 2005
Price: £3.25
This January issue of BCM start with : Kasparov new Russian Chess Champion! Where Kramnik,Karpov and Khalifman did not make it to the starting line,Lubosh Kavalek and Ian Rogers are in this contribution good for the five excellent annotated analysed games.
4NCL is covered by a interesting eight page report ; Where Wood green rang the changes at the second weekend of the British Team Championship season ;Woman’s Olympiad England woman’s team captain John Emms reports on the woman’s event in Calvia.
Essent Hoogeveen; The tournament of Ivan Sokolov; Congress Diary by Colin Crouch {Covering some games of the Civil Service Open of 2004}
In News in Brief we can read that the book from Pal Benko: My life,Games and Compositions has become the highly regarded title: Book of the year!
And don’t forget to read the fascinating Endgame studies from John Beasley!
Conclusion:A very enjoyable read!