Latest book reviews of 1 January
BOOKS REVIEWS BY JOHN ELBURG.Wilhelminalaan 33John Elburg
The Netherlands.
Chess Books
Helmut Pfleger Schach Knockouts
Edition Olms
128 pages
Price € 15.00
ISBN 3-283-00456-2
GM Helmut Pfleger is a very popular chess player and regular quest for the German television But not many chess players are aware that Pfleger has a excellent weekly column in the famous German weekend magazine “Die Zeit”.
The old master Rudolf Teschner has collected and compiled a collection of 120 Pfleger’s best chess knock outs that all where published around 2001 and 2004.
Pfleger does not leave the reader alone with a simple exercise as Schiller prefers in his latest one mate checkmate book, no Pfleger is a real story teller and knows how to keep your fingers touched on this book.
As for example the close friendship between John Walker {member of the British Empire}and the convicted Claude Bloodgood. By the way when Julian Borger a reporter interviewed Claude Bloodgood he said: “My health has got real bad,”. “I can’t walk four or five steps before I start wheezing like a son-of-a-bitch.”Despite these disabilities Bloodgood continued, propped up in bed or sitting in his state-provided wheelchair but to write and play correspondence chess until three months before his death. For the interested reader on the site is a interesting article on Bloodgood.
Or the story from Tony the dragon killer who played so many beautiful games and please try to find his winning knight move against Davidovic!
Conclusion: A great read! {But some knowledge of the German language is necessarily!}
Viktor Kortschnoi Chess is my life
Edition Olms
Price €29.95
ISBN 3-283-00406-4
Chess is my life is a English translation from Mein leben für das schach which we reviewed a good year ago.This latest work is perfectly translated and edited in to the English language by no less than Ken Neat, even that there are some slight difference in pages, the Germans simple need more words than the English the main tournaments results in this book cover a lot of extra 2005 results.
Victor Korchnoi born 1931 has been one of the world’s leading players for nearly 50 years and can be counted as one of the greatest chess players of all time.
Korchnoi is under the chess players in Switzerland unbelievable popular nearly all players know exactly where Korschnoi lives but so far I did not meet many chess players who even could beat him in a simultaneous exhibition and the great hero of chess already passed the impressive age of 74!
I have seen biography’s from Korchnoi in the Dutch and German language but not one is so open as this autobiography from Olms.
Korchnoi believes that every strong player has to do something for his offspring and that was the reason for the basis of this outstanding chess biography. The reader shall find in this book many personal things and photo’s about Korchnoi's personal life as for example his first wife Bella and son Igor who had both such a tough time in the former Soviet Union.
This book covers the whole career from Kortschnoi but now and than he opens the door of his personal life and that makes this book sucha interesting read ,for example his meeting with Stalin’s daughter Swetlana Alllilujewa and his contacts with the Russian Mafia in New York.
Believe for Korchnoi chess is above all a fight where friendships are forgotten problems are shelved the struggle on the board takes all his passion and that makes this book so unique!
Included in this book are only nine games where seven of them are superb analysed by the great master him self. and a extra CD ROM with around 4280 latest Korchnoi games and that is 30 more than on the German CD!
Conclusion: A unique autobiography!
Knight on the left: 1.Nc3 by Harald Keilhack
Schachverlag Kania
Richard Wagner str.43 71701 Schwieberdingen Germany.
384 pages
Price €24.95
ISBN 3-931192-29-6
Knight on the left is a translation of Keilhack's German book ‘Der Linksspringer which we reviewed a small two years ago.This English translation is completely revised and updated till August 2005,where IM Harald Keilhack did manage hold the structure of this book with the 99 move to move model games so much as possible untouched, so the latest developments of The van Geet must be found between the lines of these games.
The pleasant side of this book is that you shall find material in this book that have seen no publication before not even in the latest ChessBase openings CD on 1.Nc3!
For example: 1. Nc3 d5 2. e4 d4 3. Nce2 e5 4. Ng3 Be6 5. Nf3 f6 6. b3 Nc6 7. Bc4 Bxc4 8.bxc4 d3 9. Nxe5 fxe5 10. Qh5+! has seen some light in the obscure gambit magazine RandSpringer from the gambit expert Rainer Schlenker.
Interesting to mention is that there are 11 complete move to move games from the inventor of this opening Dick Van Geet* and 12 from the great 1.Nc3 expert Ove Ekebjaerg, who nearly outplayed the future worldchampion correspondence chess Hamarat with this knight move.! Please see game 50 of this book.
Included is also game 83 of this book Morozevich – Kasparov 1.Nc3 c5 2.d4 cxd4 3.Qxd4 Nc6 4.Qh4 Nf6 where I would like to mention that Kasparov was not aware of the superior possibilities of 3…e6! and 4..d5!
Interesting enough the English edition is a small 16 pages smaller and that comes that the German language needs more space and Harald Keilhack did leave out in this English edition some nonessential things.
Conclusion: This book is truly overloaded with 1.Nc3 openings tips!
* The Dutch Wim van Vugt wrote me :Dick van Geet certainly can't be called the inventor of this opening. In the 60-ies Valer Vasile Demian already played 1.Nc3 in Romania (at IM level tournaments) regularly. In Euwe's opening booklet #7 it was called "Heinrichsen Flankgame" after the so-called "inventor" Arvid Heinrichsen (1876-1900), although my database doesn't contain a single game of this man at all. Opocensky played it around 1920, and Kieseritzky (also not an unknown player) already in 1847. Herewith I assume that the game Napoleon-Mme de Remusat (1804) has never been really played and so it must be a hoax.
Anti-Anti-Sizilianisch by Frank Zeller
1.e4 c5 2.c3 b6
Mureys Gegengift
Schachverlag Kania
Richard Wagner str.43 71701 Schwieberdingen Germany.
191 pages
Price €17.50
ISBN 3-931192-31-8
In the latest reference work from Rozentalis & Harley on the Sicilian 2.c3 there was only one page divided on the line 2…b6 so I was very surprised with this latest openings book from Kania Verlag where the German chess master Frank Zeller concentrates on a move to move study of the Sicilian with 2.c3 b6.
Zeller is very detailed and covers the whole Murey’s counterattack with a impressive amount of 70 well explained model games
The concept of the of the Murey’s counter attack has someway the same concept as the eagle system where black has to wait for his chance to hit back. Sometimes it is possible for black to transpose to the Owen’s related lines but this is not the subject of his book,black prefers in big lines to go for Sicilian related lines with c5xd4 but there are surprises as the set-up of chapter two with the move order 1.e4 c5 2.c3 b6 3.d4 Bb7 4.d5 Nf6! 5.Bd3 c4!? but white can avoid all open lines and go for 1.e4 c5 2.c3 b6 3.Nf3 Bb7 4.Bc4 e6 5.Qe2 Nf6 6.e5 Nd5 7.d4 but not 7.0-0?! Nf4 8.Qd1 g5 9.d4 Nxg2! and black has all the play!
Again there is a lot unpublished material in this book where I would like to mention Frank Zeller’s publications in RandSpringer,Ultradynamisches Fianchetto 1.e4 c5 2.c3 b6! Randspringer#75 Schwenningen 1996.
With this book from Zeller black is certainly well prepared against 1,e4! Under the bibliography I found Owen- Defence from Bauer and Harding's MegaCorr4 Cd!
Conclusion: A very exciting written openings book!
Techniken des Positionsspiels by Valeri Bronznik & Anatoli Terekhin
Schachverlag Kania
Richard Wagner str.43 71701 Schwieberdingen Germany.
271 Pages
Price € 22.50
ISBN 3-931192-30-X
‘Techniken des Positionsspiels’is a book that is based on the techniques of positional play with interesting chapters as blockade of the Knight,Bishop and rook.
But there are more readable chapters as creating space,Pawn techniques, Aspects of piece exchanges, Development and activating of the pieces, Diagonal play and a lot of exercises plus instructive explanations.
In the German language are not many good middle game books and many chess players keep on working with the old classices from Nimzowitsch and Euwe but this keen written book from Valeri Bronznik and the Russian chess trainer Anatoli Terekhin offers the reader so much more.
Boleslavsky was a player who could not stand up against prolonged pressure as we can see in the game position Botwinnik - Boleslawski USSR championship of 1941,but Botwinnik was a expert in the blockade and there is still a lot to learn of one of the greatest chess players of all time.By the way there are around 27 positions of him in this book.
There are eleven chapters in this book plus a large biography and excellent made index of games and positions.
Conclusion: Instructive!
Grandmaster chess move by move by John Nunn
Gambit Publications Ltd
287 pages
Price $24.95
ISBN 1-904600-34-4
GM John Nunn presents in this latest Gambit chess book a impressive collection own games covering the years 1994 – 2003,all instructively annotated by GM Nunn himself with the so called intensive move to move annotations.
The annotations from Nunn are from a much higher level than his first move by move chess book { Understanding chess move by move Gambit 2001}, did Nunn first concentrate on general themes now the great master of attack concentrates on critical moments based on a impressive collection of 46 from his latest best.
For example if we take a closer look at the game Nunn – Stohl Bundesliga,1995/96 number 25 of this book with the sharp openings lines:1.e4 c5 2.Nf3 d6 3.d4 cxd4 4. Nxd4 Nf6 5.Nc3 a6 6.Bg5 e6 7.f4 Qb6 8.Qd2 Qxb2 9.Nb3 is covered with nearly eight pages of text!Or Nunn – Heinemann Bundesliga 2002, a other fine Najdorf game with: 1.e4 c5 2.Nf3 d6 3.d4 cxd4 4.Nxd4 Nf6 5.Nc3 a6 6.Bg5 e6 7.f4 Be7 8.Qf3 Nbd7 9.g4 Qc7 10.0-0-0 b5 11.Bxf6 Nxf6 12.g5 Nd7 13.f5 Bxg5+ shall certainly be appreciated by the fans of the Najdorf,and I found six of these excititng Najdorf games in this book!
Nunn is very honest in his opening choices and has no problems to give his opening thoughts to the reader as we for example we can see in his game against the Dragon expert Chris Ward, so far Ward has great difficulties to take up the Dragon against Nunn (4-0) so that is certainly no winning with the Dragon!
Nunn has published two previous collection of his best games before and that where Secrets of Grandnaster Play {written with Peter Griffiths,Batsford 1987} and John Nunn’s Best Games,Batsford 1995.
Included are some exciting chapters on Studies,Problems,The state of the chess world, and a very interesting read on chess publishing.
Conclusion: A great chess book!
Play 1.e4 e5! By Nigel Davies
Everyman Chess
Price $ 23.95
ISBN 1-85744-401-9
A easy to follow but dangerous repertoire book for the black player based on the following openings as the Ruy Lopez with the Keres variation: 1.e4 e5 2.Nf3 Nc6 3.Bb5 a6 4.Ba4 Nf6 5.0-0 Be7 6.Re1 b5 7.Bb3 d6 8.c3 0-0 9.h3 Na5 10.Bc2 c5 11.d4 Nd7 12.Nbd2 and now Davies suggest the bright 12.. exd4,a move that even the great openings expert Morozevich once preferred.
Or in the Spanish exchange variation with {1.e4 e5 2.Nf3 Nc6 3.Bb5 a6 4.Bxc6 dxc6 5.0-0}Davies suggests the more dangerous 5… Qf6,which is after the German openings expert Stefan Kindermann a very risky move, but in a repertoire book you must trust your teacher and play his repertoire lines with closed eyes.
Davies is a firm believer of the Kings gambit with lines as 1.e4 e5 2.f4 Bc5 and in the two knights defence GM Nigel Davies prefers 1.e4 e5 2.Nf3 Nc6 3.Bc4 Nf6 4.Ng5 d5 5.exd5 Na5 6.Bb5+ c6 7.dxc6 bxc6 8.Be2 h6 9.Nf3 e4 10.Ne5 Bc5!
After the great Estrin a great good move and this move is nearly recommended in every serious written repertoire book.
And in the Scotch Davies goes for the classical variation with 1.e4 e5 2.Nf3 Nc6 3.d4 cxd4 4.Nxd4 Bc5.If you can agree with these suggested lines than I can truly recommended this reliable written repertoire book!
Conclusion: A very reliable repertoire book!
Starting out: King’s Indian attack by John Emms
Everyman Chess
222 pages
Price $ 21.95
ISBN 1-85744-394-2
The co-author of Nunn’s Chess openings GM John Emms concentrates in this starting out book on the King’s Indian attack and for the less experience player the aim of this openings book is a King’s Indian set-up for the white side of the board.
This all is characterised by a early g3 {for example 1.e4 e6 2.d3 d5 3.Nd2 Nf6 4.Ngf3 c5 5.g3 Nc6 6.Bg2 Be7 7.0-0 }and it does not matter what black plays white simple continues with his system.
Long ago it was a favourite line of the young Bobby Fischer and is recommended for it’s easy understanding by the famous chess trainer Mark Dvoretsky.
Emms explains the whole King’s Indian attack at the hand of a large collection of 50 model games all covered with a large amount of readable text.
Emms prefers in these games explanations above latest developments but the King’s Indian attack is more a system than a opening so knowledge of thematic ideas go above memorizing long openings lines.
Conclusion: A very practical openings system!
Starting out: Sicilian Dragon by Andrew Martin
Everyman Chess
208 pages
Price $ 21.95
ISBN 1-85744-398-5
The International master Andrew Martin presents in this latest starting out book a impressive overview of the Dragon black’s most direct attacking system of the Sicilian opening, covered with all of the most important major lines packed in a Hugh collection of 62 model games, all in the context of easy understanding but all with enough text for a good understanding of the material.
Now and than Andrew Martin even comes with interesting openings suggestions and has no fear to cover fashionable lines as the razor sharp line of Soltis that runs after the moves : 1.e4 c5 2.Nf3 d6 3.d4 cxd4 4.Nxd4 Nf6 5.Nc3 g6 6.Be3 Bg7 7.f3 Nc6 8.Qd2 Bd7 9.Bc4 0-0 10.0-0-0 Rc8 11.Bb3 Ne5 12.h4 h5 13.Bg5 Rc5 14.g4 hxg4 15.f4 Nc4 16.Qe2 Qc8 17.h5 or a exciting alternative as {1.e4 c5 2.Nf3 d6 3.d4 cxd4 4.Nxd4 Nf6 5.Nc3 g6} 6.Bg5!? this all and more is well covered between these 62 games where many of them are from the year 2004.
Conclusion: A fine book to get involved with the Dragon!
Chess CD's
1000 openings traps by Karsten Müller & Rainer Knaak
Price € 29.99
This fun CD with a large collection chess disasters comes from the great German endgame expert GM Karsten Müller and the ChessBase openings specialist Rainer Knaak based on openings traps, must say now and than we all fall in a position where we over look something as these 1000 chess players did in this exciting made database.
Interesting enough the openings traps can be divided after the authors in two mayor categories:
A) On one hand there are opening traps in which the person setting them deliberately chooses a line, in which he hopes that his opponent will make a mistake. The player setting the trap may well be taking a risk: if his opponent should make the correct move, then he himself is caught by the trap, because he then suffers a disadvantage. The risk being incurred can be of varying proportions, going down as far as almost no risk at all. In fact, examples in which real disadvantages are taken into account are rather rare.
B) But if one simply plays one's normal lines and the opponent is suddenly faced with a situation in which the "normal" moves are met by a (usually) tactical counterstroke, one can only conditionally call this an opening trap. But avoiding such typical mistakes is just as important and will therefore play a large part on this CD.
A nice example of play is the following game between two Italian chess players: Ruggeri Laderchi,G - Rosso,P [C40]
thematic corr corr, 1999 where the comments are from Rainer Knaak.
1.e4 e5 2.Nf3 f5 There is an incredible amount of material on the Latvian Gambit in the database Correspondence 2004. 3.Bc4!? You will hardly find a grandmaster going into this line with its long forced variations. [ 3.Nxe5] 3...fxe4 4.Nxe5 Qg5 Black falls into the trap in the strictest sense. [ ¹4...d5] 5.d4 Qxg2 6.Qh5+ g6 7.Bf7+ Kd8 8.Bxg6 Qxh1+ 9.Ke2 c6 In the age of modern chess programs and computers it is certainly possible to demonstrate the win for White after this. [ White can also win after 9...Qxc1 sollte Weiß gewinnen: 10.Nf7+ Ke8 11.Nxh8+ ( 11.Nd2 Qxa1! ( 11...hxg6? 12.Qxg6 Qxc2 ( 12...Qxa1 13.Nd6+ Mate in 9!) 13.Nxh8++-; 12.Qe5+ Ne7 ( 12...Be7? 13.Qxh8 hxg6 14.Qxg8+ Bf8 15.Ne5 c5 16.Nxe4+-) 13.Nxe4 ( 13.Nxh8+ hxg6 14.Nxe4 Bh6 15.Nxg6 Nbc6 16.Qh8+ Kf7 17.Qf6+=) 13...hxg6; 11...hxg6 ( 11...Kd8!? 12.Nf7+ Ke8 13.Bxe4! ( 13.Qxh7!? Nc6 ( 13...Ne7 14.Ne5+ Kd8 15.Qf7 Nxg6 16.Qf6+ Be7 17.Nf7+ Ke8 18.Qxg6+-) 14.c3÷; 13...Nf6 14.Nd6+ Kd8 15.Qf7+-; 12.Qxg6+ Kd8 13.Nf7+ Ke7 14.Nc3 Qxc2+ 15.Ke1 d6 ( 15...c6 16.Nd6 Nf6 17.Ncxe4! Nxe4 18.Qe8+ Kf6 ( 18...Kxd6 19.Qe5#) 19.Qxf8++-; 16.Nd5+ Kd7 17.Qxg8 Qxb2 18.Rd1 The position was already mentioned by Keres; here too White appears to have a winning attack. 18...e3 19.fxe3 Be7 20.Qg4+ Ke8 21.Qh5 Kf8 22.Nh8+-] 10.Nc3 Kc7 [ 10...Nf6 11.Qg5 Rg8 ( 11...Be7 12.Nf7+ Ke8 ( 12...Kc7 13.Bf4+ d6 14.Rxh1+-) 13.Nxh8+ Kf8 14.Nxe4+-; 12.Qxf6+ Be7 13.Qf7+-;
10...e3 11.Nf7+ Kc7 12.Qg5 Be7 13.Qg3+ d6 14.Be4 Bg4+ 15.Qxg4 Qxh2 16.Bxe3+-] 11.Bf4 Qxa1 [ 11...hxg6 12.Qxh8! Qxa1 13.Qxg8 d6 14.Qxf8 Qxb2 ( 14...Qg1 15.Nxe4!; 14...Bh3 15.Nxe4 Qf1+ 16.Kd2+-) 15.Kd2!;
11...Qg2 12.Nxc6+ Mate in 8!] 12.Nxd7+! [ 12.Nxd7+ Kd8 ( 12...Kxd7 13.Qf5+ Kd8 14.Qxf8+ Kd7 15.Qd6#) 13.Qe5 hxg6 14.Qc7+ Ke8 15.Qxc8+ Ke7 16.Nxf8+-] 1-0
The CD contains two databases,1000 openings traps and 317 traps motifs and of course a impressive trainings base of 142 games!
Conclusion: A killers CD!
Modern chess openings Slav Defence
Convekta Ltd
Price € 22.41
System requirements: IBM-compatible PC,64 Mb RAM,Hard disk 200 Mb of free hard disk,Windows 2000,NT/ME/XP/2003,CD-ROM drive.
The Slav is a opening that many world champions have favoured included the great stars of modern chess as for example players as Anand,Kramnik,Shirov and Morozevich.
This CD is provided with around 500 commented grandmaster games,150 specially selected example games and over 200 trainings positions specially selected for the build in playing program all brought together by the Russian openings expert GM Alexander Kalinin.
Between the lines of these games I found many instructive strategy advises to understand the Slav, where instructive explanations go before latest theoretical developments.
Unfortunately I did not have the correct booklet in my CD case it was the one from Modern Chess Openings and I found it a great pity that Windows 98 doe not belong anymore to one of the system requirements.
But it is still a super program to learn and understand the unbalanced positions of the Slav.
Conclusion: Very Instructive!
Pocket encyclopedia of middlegame
Convekta Ltd
Price € 22.41
System requirements: Pocket Encyclopedia of Middlegame runs on Pocket PCs with Windows Mobile 2005, Windows Mobile 2003 and Pocket PC 2002. Installation requires a PC.
This small encyclopaedia if middlgame position carries over 1000 exercises!
600 middlegame positions and covers a lot of middle game techniques on openings as the Sicilian,Ruy Lopez,French,King’s Indian and more.
Again there are numerous hints to help find the correct answer with the help of the build in engine and even that the hand palm is small multiple user profiles are possible as the big brothers with independent ratings and statistics for every user.
Conclusion: A very well made middlegame program!
Pocket chess endings
Convekta ltd
Price € 22.41
System requirements: Pocket Encyclopedia of Middlegame runs on Pocket PCs with Windows Mobile 2005, Windows Mobile 2003 and Pocket PC 2002. Installation requires a PC.
A other super program from Convekta is this small endgame program for the handpalm with over 700 lectures and 300 exercises to test your endgame skills.
The material for this CD is compiled by GM Panchenko who has worked over 20 years on this endgame material and generations of chess players in Russia have appreciated this interesting work. By the way this material on this CD is not the same as Compressive chess endings from Convekta that material was supplied by the great endgame expert Yuri Averbakh.
Caissa chess books has published some years ago a clipping of Pantschenko in his endgame book “Endspieltheorie und praktik” Kecskemet 2001.
Conclusion: A very instructive endgame course!
Game Service 2005
The 2005 - Dec2 game service from Chess Assistant is good for 1507 games and divided from the following tournaments:
2005, Campiglio (Italy), Match "Man-Machine" 1
2005, Cremona (Italy), Ch Italy (play-off) 2
2005, Dnepropetrovsk (Ukraine), Ch Ukraine (juniors) (under 18) (1/2 final) 215
2005, Dnepropetrovsk (Ukraine), Ch Ukraine (juniors)(under 18)(1/2 final)(g) 90
2005, England, Ch England (team) 2005/06 (4 div) 95
2005, Germany, Oberliga East B 2005/06 140
2005, Khanty Mansyisk (Russia), Cup World FIDE 24
2005, Khanty Mansyisk (Russia), Cup World FIDE (active) 10
2005, Khanty Mansyisk (Russia), Cup World FIDE (blitz) 2
2005, Khanty Mansyisk (Russia), Cup World FIDE (places 9-16) 8
2005, Las Palmas (Spain), It (open) 414
2005, Legnica (Poland), Cup Voivoda (cat.8) 45
2005, Los Angeles (USA), It "American open" 21
2005, Paracotos (Venezuela), Ch Venezuela 71
2005, Paracotos (Venezuela), Ch Venezuela (w) 60
2005, Philadelphia (USA), It (open) "National Chess Congress" 45
2005, Santo-Domingo (Dominicana), It (open) 69
2005, Scanno (Italy), It (cat.8) 44
2005, Split (Croatia), It (open) 106
2005, Tuzla (Bosnia & Herzegovina), It (cat.3) 45
British Chess Magazine No.12
Volume 125
December 2005
Price: £3.50
Starting with The Essent Hoogeveen the popular Dutch four player tournament which was won by the 19 year old Indian chess prodigy Pentala Harikrishna.
The tournament report comes from Steve Giddins and Ian Rogers is good for the plus two game annotations.{good for 12 pages!}
A other interesting report comes again from Steve Giddins who did meet the Kasparov of Shogi;Yoshiharu Habu:games genius.
John Saunders reports on the first weekend of the 2005/6 4NCL {British Team Championship}
Gary Lane is good for some excitement in his Chess questions answered: Covering the Philidor & the c3 Sicilian., other contributions are Guernsey International {where I found a nice attack from Robert Bellin on Kevin Goater: 1.e4 e5 2.Nf3 d6 3.Bc4 f5 4.d3 f4 5.d4 Nc6 6.Bb5 Bd7 7.Nc3 Nge7 8.d5 Nb8 9.Bxd7+ Qxd7 10.g3 fxg3 11.hxg3 h6 12.Ng5 Rg8 13.Ne6 Na6 14.Qh5+ g6 15.Qe2 h5 16.g4 hxg4 17.Rh7 Nc5 18.Bg5 Nxe6 19.dxe6 Qxe6 20.Nd5 Nxd5 21.Qb5+ c6 22.Qxb7 Rc8 23.exd5 Qf5
24.Re7+ 1-0
And not to forget reviews and new books, problem world, quotes and queries etc.
Playing cards
52 memory cards
Synheme C.P.273
Canada J1H5J1
Price 12.95 Canadian dolars
A exciting set of 52 memory cards of the most popular openings as three knights defence or Latvian gambit!
Play memory and learn all the key positions of all major openings!
Conclusion: Fun!