Dear Publisher and Editor,
Thank you for visiting these reviewpages and reading this
The reviewactivities started when Bertrand Weegenaar was editor of
Schaakschakeringen, a Dutch correspondence chess monthly publication
Started in June 1995 he started doing reviews in Mark Crowther´s
The Week in Chess
in plain ASCII. To make his reviews more valuable and attractive for
my readers he
created HTML-pages of them which opened the possibilities which I today
try to exploid:
GIF-files, links, alphabetic search on topics and authors, direct links
to E-mail and
page-links. After this he transported the pages to Interchess homesite.
In February 1998 he handed over all material, contacts etc. to John
Elburg and the pages continued at the Chessmail-server.
If you are interested in sending chessbooks, -magazins , -videos
(booklike publications, I also review chess softwareprograms.